n. (名詞 noun)[C]
1. (箭頭、魚鉤等的)倒鉤
2. 帶刺的話
She slung barbs at me.
3. 畢露的鋒芒,鋒利
The barb of his wit made us wince.
4. 【動】羽支;倒刺;觸鬚
5. 【植】鉤狀毛,芒刺
6. (修女用以遮掩頸部的)白麻巾
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. 在...裝倒鉤
n. (名詞 noun)[C]
1. 非洲馬(產於北非,以速度、力量、馴順著稱)
2. 巴巴里家鴿(類似信鴿)
1. a point or pointed part projecting backward from a main point, as of a fishhook or arrowhead.
2. an obviously or openly unpleasant or carping (吹毛求疵) remark.
3. Botany, Zoology. a hooked or sharp bristle. (短硬刺毛)
4. Ornithology. (鳥類學) one of the processes attached to the rachis (羽軸) of a feather.
5. one of a breed of domestic pigeons, similar to the carriers or homers, having a short, broad bill.
6. any of numerous, small, Old World cyprinid (鯉科) fishes of the genera Barbus and Puntius, often kept in aquariums.
7. Usually, barbs. Veterinary Pathology. a small protuberance (突起) under the tongue in horses and cattle, esp. when inflamed and swollen.
8. Also, barbe. a linen covering for the throat and breast, formerly worn by women mourners and now only by some nuns.
9. Obsolete. a beard.
–verb (used with object)
10. to furnish with a barb or barbs.
1. spur, spike, prong, barbule; snag, prickle, spicule.
Harmony Korine may be finding his gift as the [ringmaster] of these barbed, indelible images, but as the nuns' haunting finale shows, embracing your talent is no guarantee of a happy ending.
see caustic sneer tart
- Apr 30 Wed 2008 21:38