still from Bachelorette (2012)
Lizzy Caplan
30 June 1982, Los Angeles, California, USA
Elizabeth Anne Caplan
5' 5" (1.65 m)
She graduated from the prestigious Hamilton Academy of Music in Los Angeles, California, Class of 2000. Her classmates included actor Emile Hirsch.
Named one of Variety's Top 10 Actors to Watch 2006.
(其實之前就有注意但沒放在心上) 無意間新發現之 starlet 小星宿,被遺忘的印象來自【辣妹過招】琳賽蘿涵原生朋友【127小時】法蘭科妹妹,然後筆者要為了她觀賞【柯洛佛檔案】。
認識到乍看之下素有「窮人版本的 柔依迪香奈」稱號的 Lizzy Caplan 竟然和 Zooey Deschanel 共同出現在福斯美劇【俏妞報到】(New Girl, 2011),一方面對於「前」日舞影展小公主 (sorry, I'm a indie snob) 年過三十選擇在小螢幕唱歌跳舞自我剝削感到不勝唏噓,一方面對於曾經是筆者女神的 Zooey Deschanel 錄音室專輯只有主打歌令人印象深刻就算了,馬上有窮人版本這事實更讓人驚覺好萊塢快速新陳代謝之殘忍,與獨立製片女明星沾染主流體制粉味的悲慘宿命。
Zooey Deschanel,就讓妳的 career performance 就停留在【愛情冒險家】(The Go-Getter, 2007) 吧!!!
當眾人忙著對 Penn Badgley 取得 Jeff Buckley 角色哀鴻遍野時,筆者心中暗自竊喜好家在,不給 James Franco 沒關係,千萬別淪落到庭院深深深幾許的吸血鬼身上就好,但 Janis Joplin 角色最後居然被貶謫到過氣甜心 Amy Adams 手中,教我們演而優則歌的 Zooey Deschanel 情何以堪?(未老先衰事業都已經走下坡了還給我發生這種慘案)
Sundance Film Festival 2012 - Day 2
幹超正的好想尬她喔 ♥♥♥
Will Ferrell-Produced "Bachelorette" Is Not Quite "Bridesmaids" [Sundance 2012]
Lizzy or Zooey?
Lizzy Caplan Fan |
Krysten Ritter: "She looks like a young Mia Kirshner."
文藝青年現在除了強調自己早就不喜歡 Zooey Deschanel 以外,還會強調自己真的不喜歡 Radiohead,喜歡也只是喜歡前三張,但還是勉為其難地買了演唱會門票,因為朋友正好有票,加上主辦單位佛心,以及那陪伴青少困頓時間的成長錄音帶。檢附二零一一年度最佳電影名單如下:2010
Another Earth
Martha Marcy May Marlene
Like Crazy
The Ides of March
We Need to Talk About Kevin
The Skin I Live In
Wuthering Heights
Nobody Else but You
The Silent House
The Future
Source Code
London Boulevard
Les amours imaginaires
Midnight in Paris
my guilty pleasure:
You Are the Apple of My Eyes
funniest film of the year:
Brighton Rock
un certain regard:
Sleeping Beauty
best actor:
Ryan Gosling for Drive
What more can i say? [現在只有麥可法斯賓達偶爾可以和高司令抗衡了]
best actress:
Emily Blunt for The Adjustment Bureau
Emily Blunt is so hot that I wanna fuck her over and over and over til the end of world til the end of time.
[tied with]
Amanda Seyfried for In Time
我想筆者會喜歡【鐘點戰】這部科幻電影,除了想鼓勵 Andrew Niccol,大概是因為阿曼達本片造型時在太像 Anna Karina 了。
- Mar 10 Sat 2012 12:01
[訃聞] Lizzy Caplan, the poor man's version of Zooey Deschanel? (檢附2011年度最佳電影名單) [法蘭柯只能猩球崛起