【聲音的痕跡The Imprint of Sound 】


以一個監聽對話作為主角的電影,聲音便顯得格外重要。片中的監聽對話一再地反覆出現,同時本片著重於聲音的運用與琢磨,用以呈現這部驚悚片中的不明確性,可說是向日前過逝的義大利大師導演安東尼奧尼1966年的作品《春光乍洩》(Blow-up)致敬。如此精彩的聲音,讓我們不得不提本片的剪接與音效Walter Murch,這位多次獲得奧斯卡最佳音效肯定的大師,也可說是本片幕後作者,正當導演柯波拉為《教父II》拍攝工作忙得焦頭爛額之際,Walter Murch自行完成本片後製工作。

allmovie ((( The Conversation > Review )))

 The Conversation was a breakthrough in using its soundtrack not just to convey dialogue and music but to deepen the story, as well as providing the ultimate screen example of the adage, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it."


柯波拉真的很屌耶!在教父一二中間居然還可以拍出如此毛骨悚然的電影。以前我會說柯波拉雖然只有教父和現代啟示錄能看,頂多再加個對話,但也夠名留青史了。現在我會說:柯波拉不只有教父和現代啟示錄可以看,別忘了對話這部被嚴重忽略的 masterpiece!


我們有金哈克曼,哈里遜福特,勞勃杜瓦以及 John Cazale !!!

今天才解到 John Cazale 根本是七零年代的 Steve Buscemi !!! 無所不在的小人物,看似病態卻又散發獨特魅力,看似渙散卻又深藏難以測量的深沉,永遠的弗雷多,柯里昂三兄弟我最愛弗雷多!

John Cazale 於拍攝越戰獵鹿人期間和梅莉史翠普訂婚,電影沒拍完多久,永遠的弗雷多就這樣離我們而去,梅莉傷心不已。當劇組知道永遠的弗雷多得骨癌想換角時,梅莉以拒演相挺。

IMDb > John Cazale > Biography

His final film, The Deer Hunter (1978), was filmed whilst he was ill with cancer. He became engaged to his co-star, Meryl Streep, whilst filming The Deer Hunter (1978), whom he met when they both appeared in the New York Public Theater's 1976 production of Shakespeare's Measure for Measure.

Controversy occurred during the filming. While the studio was unaware of his condition, the director, Michael Cimino, knew about it. As Cazale was evidently weak, he was forced to film his scenes first. When the studio discovered he was suffering from bone cancer, they wanted him removed from the film. His co-star and fiancé, Meryl Streep, threatened to quit if he was fired. He died shortly after filming was completed.

Cazale appeared in only five feature films in his career, and all of them were nominated for Best Picture.

Years after his death he appeared in a sixth feature film, The Godfather: Part III (1990) in archive footage. The Godfather: Part III was also nominated for Best Picture.

Was friends with Al Pacino when he was a teenager.

In spite of the desperate, violent characters he played in a handful of films, he was by all accounts an enormously kind and gentle person off screen, having been a close personal friend of most of the actors he had worked with. Among his greatest achievements was that he helped the discovery of childhood friend Al Pacino, fellow, hungry theater actor Robert De Niro, and his fiancée at the time of his early death, Meryl Streep.

John Cazale 1935~1978

 1978 越戰獵鹿人 The Deer Hunter

1975 熱天午後 Dog Day Afternoon

1974 教父續集 The Godfather Part II

1974 對話 The Conversation

1972 教父 The Godfather

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