The Immortal Bachelor (1980) Vitti 穿花裙好正!
Letti Selvaggi (1979)
英文片名很好笑:Tigers in Lipstick,脣膏裡的豺狼虎豹。
左下是 Vitti,右下是烏蘇拉安德絲。歷任龐德女郎
An Almost Perfect Affair (1979)
Keith Carradine 飾演的新人導演了主題為 Gary Gilmore 的處女作豁出去了!山窮水盡的他決定飛到法國參加坎城影展,片子卻被海關扣留,在義大利製片之妻 (Vitti) 幫助下才得以脫困,兩人談戀愛的下場想也知道不會太好。
過於強調對電影工業的嘲諷,不是每個觀眾都有興趣收看。( 我很有興趣啊!)
Wikipedia > Gary Gilmore
Gary Mark Gilmore was an American murderer who gained international notoriety as the first person executed in the United States after the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 after Gregg v. Georgia lifted the four-year moratorium instated by Furman v. Georgia.
Blonde in Black Leather (1977)
A biker chick and her housewife friend go out & about.
穿著黑色皮衣的金髮尤物,這什麼剝削電影?而且宣傳有很大的問題,右下方的 credit 是 Claudia Cardinale and Monica Vitti,海報卻只有 Vitti。最上頭的不死王老五則是兩人二度合作。

La Donna scarlatta (1969)
Vitti 決定幹掉騙財騙色的男朋友再自殺之前,先照三餐灌香檳和魚子醬。最想看這片!
IMDb > Femme écarlate, La (1969) > IMDb user comments
"Monica Vitti's classical beauty and charm is the film's ace card as she's in virtually every scene in various fetching Christian Dior outfits... "
"Monica Vitti looks wonderful...a bit like Elke Sommer in Mario bava's Lisa And The Devil. "
我的 Vitti 片中文翻譯:
1982 心知肚明 Io so che tu sai che io so ( 裡頭有紅衣女郎的義大利版海報 )
1970 愛妳恨妳忌妒妳 A Drama of Jealousy
1963 愛情苦與甜 Dragées Au Poivre