Singing songs
Q: These days are you singing any songs from the period of 'Sous le soleil, exactement.'?
AK: Yes, in the concerts we're doing right now yes. It's a song by Serge Gainsbourg.
Q: Was there one film you most enjoyed making with Godard?
AK: That's a good question because, actually, doing a film with Jean-Luc was always a great pleasure and they're all so different, so which one did I enjoy the most? Maybe, 'A Woman is a Woman.' Because it was one of the first ones. But really I cannot say, because they're all so different. He seems so serious, but you always had great fun. You know he was a big sportif. He liked to run - he could do everything better than anybody else. Oh yes it's true. He would say to me, "Not good enough." I would say, "Well, I had vertigo." And he would say, "Go on. Climb up there." I said, "Really, Jean-Luc, you know." And everything that Jean-Paul would do in the film, Jean-Luc would do it ten times better. No it's really true. The only thing they had in common was to read l'Equipe, the....
CM: The sports newspaper.
AK: Which I love myself because my grandfather, he loved sport too and when I was a kid he would take me to the games. I know everything about football. And everything about rugby. Yeah yeah.
CM: I should say that Godard gave a very limited number of interviews at Cannes about Éloge de l'amour this year, and one of them was to l'Equipe. Which is a hilarious interview actually.
Q: Do you feel you could have played the part Bardot played in 'Le Mépris'?
AK: No, that was for Brigitte. Non non. But he used a lot of the dialogues from our private lives. Smart guy, hein?
Q: Was there any different preparation for 'Made in USA' where there's slightly more action, where you were playing a secret agent?
AK: Let's keep it secret.
Q: Was there a script before the film started?
AK: Non. But there was a script inside Jean-Luc Godard's head. But we knew about the story. He would say, "Well, it's so and so and so." Then he would say, "But." We had the dialogues just before. He would write it every day. He had that kind of structure in his head, and a kind of story, and probably the dialogue too.
Q: Which is the favourite song you sang in a Godard film?
AK: 'Jamais, je ne.... jamais je te... t'aimerais toujours, Oh mon amour.' Oh we've had too much wine (laughter). It's a song I'm singing in Pierrot le Fou. I'm singing, 'Maline de chance, et jamais je ne te dirai que je t'aimerais toujours. Oh mon amour.' Je l'ai dit!
「我們的愛永誌不逾,直到天荒地老海枯石爛,貝蒙吾愛~」我們當時玩得有點瘋 (哈)。那是《狂人比埃洛》原聲帶的曲目之一「愛情線告急,愛情線告急,我想我可能無法永遠愛你~」
Q: What was your working relationship with Jean-Paul Belmondo, for it seems to be such a rapport on the screen.
AK: It was love. But love, you know, like, give me your hand...Love.
Q: What are your feelings about the films he made after he worked with you?
按:楊波貝蒙拍完新浪潮電影,轉型搞笑動作明星,想像一個不會功夫的成龍 (鼻子都很大)。「我不想當法國影壇的武打老爹。」楊波貝蒙如此自嘲。
AK: What a bad question. I hate it. No, no. What I'm very happy about is that today all your young people here are still coming to see a film of Jean-Luc Godard, and with me and that is really great. That's a present, that's a cadeau. It's something that I appreciate a lot and I love it. Because it means we didn't do that for nothing and it's still living and that's great. That's fantastic.
CM: And we appreciate a real lot that you came here tonight, Anna Karina. Thank you very much indeed.

Interviewing Anna Karina on Thu 21 June 2001
agnès b. inspired by Anna Karina
Happy Birthday to Anna Karina!!!
Tragic Muses - Monica Vitti and Anna Karina

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