
[an-suh-ler-ee or, especially Brit., an-sil-uh-ree]


1. subordinate; subsidiary
2. auxiliary; assisting.  

3. something that serves in an ancillary capacity: 

[Slides], [records], and other ancillaries can be used with the basic textbook.  

ancillary (adj.)
is pronounced either AN-sil-ER-ee or an-SIL-uhr-ee and means "auxiliary or subordinate"; it combines with to

her [studies] were always 
ancillary [to] her [partying].

Focus and Miramax are experts at using international grosses to boost their bottom lines. Both, along with Fox Searchlight, are savvy about which projects they go after. That doesn't mean there aren't missteps, but execs at all three know they have to stay in the black if they want to stay in business. Sony Classics spends far less on marketing and acquisitions and maximizes its ancillary [income].

The bottom line is that it's a changing world -- and it might be something cyclical, or things may have changed permanently. The matrix of different ancillarie[s] -- which has expanded radically from the early video days to include VOD, Web downloads, airlines, music and merchandise -- puts a new spin on the still-crucial theatrical window.

see savvy
terse facile

supplementary (improve)
auxiliary (backup)
ancillary (secondary)

We have an auxiliary power [supply] to be used in case of a power [outage].

The NGO [hails] the ancillary 
2. [social] benefits of the projects it [sanctions], 
which are exclusively based on 1. [forestry].


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