I can't say what made me fall in love with Vietnam - that a woman's voice can drug you; that everything is so intense. The colors, the taste, even the rain. Nothing like the filthy rain in London.
They say whatever you're looking for, you will find here. They say you come to Vietnam and you understand a lot in a few minutes, but the rest has got to be lived.
The smell: that's the first thing that hits you, promising everything in exchange for your soul. And the heat. Your shirt is straightaway a rag. You can hardly remember your name, or what you came to escape from.
But at night, there's a breeze. The river is beautiful. You could be forgiven for thinking there was no war; that the gunshots were fireworks; that only pleasure matters. A pipe of opium, or the touch of a girl who might tell you she loves you.
And then, something happens, as you knew it would. And nothing can ever be the same again.
兩大邪惡聲線米高肯恩 (帥) 和 Geoffrey Rush 並列我的最愛旁白,事實上兩人聲音挺像。搖擺六零偶像老了和年輕男星很有化學,是的,布蘭登費雪是會演戲的。百視達下架眾神與野獸可惡!
The Quiet American (1958)
沉靜的美國人首次被 Joseph L. Mankiewicz 改編,舊版將米高肯恩描寫為壞蛋,布蘭登費雪英雄,新版較忠實原著。其他改編 Graham Greene 小說的電影:愛情的盡頭,黑獄亡魂 (!)
澳洲導演 Phillip Noyce 作品還有:妮可基嫚之航越地平線,神鬼始祖神鬼至尊,人骨拼圖,新片是督鐸王朝剝削片 → 蘇格蘭的瑪莉,馬的小婊當瑪莉當上癮了是吧!Mary Queen of Scots
← based on the novel by Graham Greene
沉靜的美國人 The Quiet American
Michael Caine ... Thomas Fowler
Brendan Fraser ... Alden Pyle
Do Thi Hai Yen ... Phuong