It's not his real name. He had a stuffed bear as a kid, Digby Bear.
They were British, I think.
And because he always got everything wrong, he called it "Igby."
Whenever he commited a crime,
he would say, "I didn't do it, Igby did."
And to break him of this habit, being as hip to child psych as she was,
Mimi started referring to him as Igby every time he lied.
He lied a lot.
東岸貴族世家死小孩 Kieran Culkin (20) 飾演轉/退/逃學威龍 Igby,囂張犬儒溢於言表,風流醫生俏護士雙搭檔 Hawkeye & Trapper John 般通行無阻於戰地醫院,在乾爸的公寓搞乾爸的情婦,想參加和平工作團增廣見聞了解生命的意義,練習老哥慣用技倆:盜用父母信用卡,一樣長不高,掺點艾德華福隆的俊美。
Burr Steers (37) 驚人處女座提名美國獨立製片精神獎最佳處女劇本,得主是怪咖情緣 Erin Cressida Wilson。雷恩菲利浦嘟起嘴唇,重拾 Sebastian 傲慢。Amanda Peet 真是美!十三歲雷恩菲利浦 Peter Anthony Tambakis 演過靈異第六感,我猜是布魯斯威利某個小病人吧。
It's ironic that the first time in my life that I feel remotely affectionate for her, is when she's dead.
You beat up her corpse.
I know, but after that.
冷冽到令人頭皮發麻的對話。演過 QT 霸道橫行和 Whit Stillman 最後迪斯可,編導 Burr Steers 明顯受到後者中產階級拘謹的焦慮 (angst) 影響,但是他選擇不以油腔滑調或是輕蔑對待劇中角色。
二零零二年出現了三部麥田捕手式的電影:誘惑我小媽,好女孩,玩酷子弟。其中好女孩又翻麥田捕手的女孩,Jake 稱呼自己為 Holden;梅爾吉勃遜在絕命大反擊買了幾百本麥田捕手從來不看;危險性遊戲第二集很醜的 Sebastian 和校長面談時,也提到麥田捕手應該被列為禁書。
觀影隨筆:Whit Stillman 的雅痞三部曲
[on Ollie]
He was ten-speeding a gazillion miles per hour through Central Park.
You know, racing with all the other young Turks.
When, all of a sudden he caught a glimpse of himself in the handlebar mirror
and became so... aroused by it that he burst his Speedo shorts
which then got caught in the gears and threw him right on his face.
玩酷子弟 Igby Goes Down
104 min. 2002
Kieran Culkin ... Jason 'Igby' Slocumb, Jr.
Claire Danes ... Sookie Sapperstein
Jeff Goldblum ... D.H. Banes
Amanda Peet ... Rachel
Ryan Phillippe ... Oliver 'Ollie' Slocumb
Bill Pullman ... Jason Slocumb
Susan Sarandon ... Mimi Slocumb
Rory Culkin ... 10-Year-Old Igby
Peter Anthony Tambakis ... 13-Year-Old Oliver
Celia Weston ... Bunny ← 妙媳婦見公婆的婆
Cynthia Nixon ... Mrs. Piggee
"Don't Panic"
Written by G. Berryman, J. Buckland, W. Champion and C. Martin
Performed by Coldplay
Igby 和 Claire Danes 吵完架,街上放的音樂同 Zach Braff 回花園之州時。