
Interview: Darren Aronofksy - Part 2

Peter Sciretta: How was your experience with the wrestling fans? I can imagine…


Darren Aronofsky: They were fantastic. They were hilarious. Look, I'll tell you a funny story. We went out to shoot that final Ayatollah match. And this was set after Mickey sliced his thumb [in the story timeline]. One time we forgot to put the tape on and someone from the audience screamed that he forgot the tape on his thumb. "You forgot the tape!" And I heard it. And I was like, "Oh shit, we've got to tape him". So the whole audience started screaming, "You fucked up!" Then Mickey came out and did that big heart-felt speech. I didn't tell the audience it was going to happen. I just sent Mickey out there, because I just wanted to see what would happen with the audience. I was into this "live thing". But the audience was shouting responses and they were stepping all over his lines. They didn't show any respect to it. So I went out there and I was like "You guys, this is a heart felt moment. This is a man at the end of his career who you love and you respect…" And then they all started screaming. "We fucked up. We fucked up." So they were great! The Ring of Honor audience was great. The CZW audience were obviously very rowdy and cursing us out. There’s that YouTube video where they attack us. But they loved it. They couldn't help themselves but to be rude. And then the first match, that first match for Afa's promotion, WXW was much more controllable.

他們棒極了。他們熱情如火。老兄,我跟你說個有趣的故事。(電影劇情裡) 米基劃破拇指後,我們到外面拍攝那場什葉派生死鬥。有一次我們忘記貼膠帶,觀眾有人大喊米基忘記在拇指上貼膠帶。「你忘記貼膠帶了!」而我聽到了,心想:「雪特,我們必須幫他貼上膠帶。」所以觀眾開始叫囂,「蝶龍你搞砸了!」接著米基出面,開始那場觸人心弦演說。我當時沒打算告知觀眾會發生什麼事。我只是叫米基登場,因為我只想看觀眾如何反應。我很投入這種「臨場感」。不過觀眾叫囂著,跨越警戒線。他們不懂得尊重。所以換我出面,呼籲:「鄉親,你們正見證觸人心弦時刻。你們所愛所尊敬的這男人處於生涯末期……」他們全體開始叫囂:「我們搞砸了。我們搞砸了。」他們棒極了!榮耀競技場的觀眾棒極了。星際達博優的觀眾明顯粗鄙,還會幹我們老師。上你管點閱我們被攻擊的畫面。但他們喜歡那樣。他們就是天生粗鄙 。接著是第一場生死豆,宣傳阿法的第一場生死鬥,達博優二次方的觀眾就比較文雅。

This is the first film you didn't write? Were you involved part of the writing process?


me and my team at Protozoa did a lot of development, and really worked with Rob a lot. And that’s why I took a producing credit, which I've never done before. The structure and the bones of it was a collaboration between us and Rob. But Rob also added the humor. He wrote the Passion of the Christ line and he wrote the great Kurt Cobain line. He brought details that were just fantastic in the project.


Did the budget dictate the style or was that a choice you specifically made?


I kind of wanted to do the project, wanting to free myself from the technical work I had been doing in The Fountain. And actually I should say, for me, Pi, Requiem and The Fountain were really a trilogy. I kind of call it like my mind, body, spirit trilogy. Pi - being mind, Requiem - being body and The Fountain - being spirit.


That's awesome…


And as far as a progression of style. Even though I hope they are unique of each other, there's definitely connections between them. That was for me as a filmmaker, I was growing and developing a language. But if Madonna taught us anything, it’s that you've got to reinvent yourself. And I really believe that and so I kind of felt like The Fountain was everything I wanted to do, in the sense that everything in it, every frame, every sound effect on the speakers was thought about, and controlled and tweaked to what we wanted. And I just wanted to throw that out the window. That was a big part when I cast Mickey. I realized what type of actor he was. I wanted him to create an environment where he could completely roam free. So I hired Maryse Alberti to be the cinematographer. Maryse has done a lot of fiction work, but has also done a lot of documentary. So we just sort of lit up the spaces so that we could just basically let Mickey roam. We did crazy things like at that big wrestling match when I told Mickey to just "Go back stage" after their match ends. And that was not scripted. Those guys didn't know we were coming. That was the first take and the only take, and we just put the camera on our shoulder and we followed Mickey through the crowd. And they just reacted. The wrestlers were great because they are entertainers and they're used to cameras so they were just totally natural in front of the camera, and they just went for it. So we could do things like that.


按:瑪莉希艾柏蒂 (Maryse Alberti) 優秀作品如【毒藥】【愛我就讓我快樂】【絲絨金礦】榮獲獨立精神獎最佳攝影【甜蜜的強暴我】

t04732kfr05 happiness velvet_goldmine 1804398714p

alberti1 Maryse Alberti & Todd Haynes!!!

That was one of my favorite shots of the film, that and the sequence where Mickey first goes to the deli and it's almost like him walking through the backstage area while getting ready to make his entrance to the ring.


He did not like that scene, just so you know. Because he just felt the shame of Randy the Ram. Most of it was improvised; in fact a lot of those customers were not actors, they were real customers and we just started filming. They knew the camera was there, and we were like, "Hey! Do you mind if we shoot this?" I don’t know if they knew Mickey Rourke but they were like, "OK. Fine." That woman ordering the chicken, that just happened. Really. All improvised. The supermarket was open and people were coming up to him. We didn't shut down. We didn't have the budget to shut the super market down. We were just behind the deli counter and people were shopping. We would kind of control them with PA’s. One of the managers came up and said "You know, the check out people can't read Mickey's handwriting." And I was like, "What are you talking about?" Apparently some people were trying to buy some of the things that Mickey was filling out. I mean Mickey's scribbling random numbers. He doesn't know what anything is. And customers actually went home with the food that Mickey put together.


That is funny. That is really funny.




And I noticed that some of the people in the Deli sequence also had the last name of Aronofsky.


Yeah, my parents. Both of them have been in all the films, so it was great to bring them back in.


按:Abraham Aronofsky & Charlotte Aronofsky

How did Mickey's training go? There's some sequences in there where he's fighting and it looks like a real wrestling match of an older wrestler.


He did every single move in that film. He performed everything in that film. And he wanted to. We hired Afa. I don't know if you remember the Wild Samoans. Afa is a great wrestling teacher, now out in Allentown. He put together a team of guys who trained Mickey for three months to do it. As he got deeper and deeper into it, he wanted to do more and more and more challenging and more and more difficult things, which scared the shit out of me. As a director concerned for his safety, but as you know, he didn't want to look like a sap. One of his trainers, Tommy Rotten, came up to me last night and said, "he's better than 80 percent of the guys in the WWE right now. And there's not a wrestler in the world who will see this movie and not think Mickey is a wrestler." Yes, Mickey is athletic, we know he was a boxer. But boxing and wrestling are opposites in many ways, even though they both take place in the ring. Mickey explained to me, that in boxing you hide where you're going, you don't want people to see your moves. But wrestling is the exact opposite, you're showing them. It's complete broadness. Boxing is like a simple quick, can't see it, wrestling is all about being seen. So it actually hurt Mickey having been trained as a boxer. I had to constantly watch him and make sure he wasn't moving like a boxer in the ring because they move completely differently than wrestlers. But being a boxer and trying to play a wrestler was very difficult for that reason as well as the reason is that most boxers look down on wrestling. But I think as he met Afa and as he met all these old-timers, Greg The Hammer Valentine, that he saw that it was a real art and truly a real sport. I think he learned to really respect it and I think he's very proud.


Did he even like the glass shot, and stuff like that?


No, he didn't go through the glass, but he did get hit on the back with the bucket and so he did a lot of it. There were a few things he couldn't do, you know. He climbed to the top rope. You saw that shot where he jumps on the top rope and mounts the other guy and does the spin. So he did a lot of crazy stuff.


Can you talk a little about the music of The Wrestler. You have Slash doing guitar riffs for Clint Mansell's score, and you have Bruce Springsteen… How did you pull that one off?


Well, Bruce Springsteen did the film for one reason. And it had nothing do with me. In fact, to be honest, I met with Bruce, and he's heard of me, which is very flattering, but he had never seen any of my work. He did it for one reason and that was that he did it for Mickey. He's a friend of Mickey's. He's a tremendous fan of Mickey's and when he heard about this film, he felt that this was something that Mickey's been looking for for years. So he wanted to help, and that's the only reason he did it. And he did it for basically nothing.


That's awesome.


Purely out of love for Mickey. And so I can't wait for him to see the movie because Asbury Park is in it and I think he'll be psyched.


Oh, I'm surprised he hasn't seen the movie. You listen to that song and it's so dead on…


He actually put more effort into it. He read the screenplay which is probably harder than watching the movie. He read the screenplay, knew it and basically just pumped it out. It's a beautiful song. As Mickey says, rock stars love him, and so he got Axl [Rose] to close a deal on Sweet Child of Mine. It was really fun rediscovering all that old Hair metal and finding a place for it in the film. And then Clint did a very subtle job in this movie, as compared to what we've done in the past. The film really didn’t call for a big score and what I really admire about what Clint did with the help of Slash is that they did very very very subtle work.

他可能做得更多。他看過劇本,這比看電影更花心思。看過劇本,了解故事,靈感泉湧。好美的一首歌。如米基所說,搖滾明星愛他,所以艾克索 (羅斯) 同意我的甜蜜小孩收錄在原聲帶。重新追尋老迷幻,並在電影裡找到適當位置真是有趣。然後克林特為電影放些巧妙,比過去合作經驗更為巧妙。這電影沒有大陣仗,讓我最景仰克林特與史勒許的,就是他們真的真的真的很巧妙。

Yeah, I didn't even notice it…


Yeah, I know, I read your video [blog].


Speaking of boxing. What's going on with The Fighter?


Bruce Springsteen - 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)

Bruce Springsteen - The Wrestler

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