Interview: Darren Aronofsky - Part 1
Peter Sciretta: There was a very long period of time between Requiem [for a Dream] and trying to get The Fountain off the ground. And now The Wrestler is being billed almost as a come back film…
Darren Aronofsky: Oh, that’s silly…
So why was there such a long break?
Well, as you know, I had to make the Fountain twice. The first incarnation with Brad Pitt was much publicized and then it fell apart. I had to basically rewrite it and put it back together with Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. So basically it was about 6, 7 years for the whole thing from start to finish. So for me it was almost like making two different movies. We were at seven weeks out from shooting the first Fountain 1.0 when it fell apart. It was fully story-boarded and shot listed, and…
All the sets were built?
They were 60 or 70 percent built. We had 120-foot tall Mayan pyramid constructed. We had 150 Mayans about to board plane to Queensland, Australia. We were 20 million dollars in, or something…
That must have been heartbreaking.
Oh, it was disastrous for me, but… I had been through heartbreak in my career before, in film school, so I was kind of prepared and I kind of just tried to take it as positively as I could. I grabbed a backpack, literally a knapsack, with one change of clothes and I went to China and India for a few weeks and cleared my head, because I was over in Australia for five months. I then spent about six to eight months trying to get something else going. I developed a few other projects and actually the beginnings of The Wrestler.
So you developed The Wrestler?
The Wrestler was my idea. When I graduated film school in ‘92 / ‘93, one day I wrote a list of ten ideas for films in my diary. And one of them was called The Wrestler. When The Fountain shut down the first time I started to think about it. I knew I wanted to do a wrestling picture. I teamed up my producer on this film, Scott Franklin, who was a wrestling fan, a bigger wrestling fan than me, and he loved the idea. He’s also a writer.
You come from New York and so [wrestling] must have been all over the place?
I wasn’t a huge fan as a kid. I went to one match at Madison Square Garden with my best friend and my dad. I remember we all lost our voices from screaming so loud. Hulk Hogan was a bad guy and I remember Tony Atlas lifting up Hulk Hogan and dropping him on his balls on the top rope. We went crazy, it was great. I think I went to a couple of other little matches at veterans halls. So it was in my head a bit, but I was never a crazy fan. It was like a small window, and it was before the Hulk-mania, so it wasn’t so big. It was still kind of in the early 80’s. So it wasn’t quite the phenomenon that it became. And by the time Hulkmania came out, I wasn’t interested in it. But I thought that the boxing movie is a genre film, and there’s been thousands of boxing movies - who knows how many. But no one has ever done a serious wrestling film. No one has ever done a serious film about a wrestler.
Hulk Hogan 1953~present
Every fictional film so far treats it as if it were a real sport…
Yeah, and all the Barton Fink jokes, which we were aware of… "Aronofsky, what are you going to do? A wrestling picture?" You know. [laughs] And some people picked up on it. In fact, at the Venice Film Festival, they asked for a director’s quote, and I sent in a quote from Barton Fink. But no one had ever done a serious film and I always wondered why. I think that’s because most people think wrestling is a joke. It’s really looked down upon by a lot of people, but the more research I started to do into that world, the more complex, and the more tragic I found it to be. The mortality rate of these guys is just staggering. And the fact that it’s not at all really examined is really curious. And the fact that it’s so popular. It’s like one of the most popular forms of entertainment in America and no one’s studied it in any way. We realized pretty quickly when we started to work on it that me being the type of film maker I am probably trying to do something with the WWE and having creative freedom wasn’t going to happen so I couldn’t really do something contemporary so originally we started to think about me and Scott to do something as a period piece, be it pre-WWF because then we wouldn’t have to deal with it. But then we realized this was a low-budget movie, so we figured we had to do something contemporary. We started to look at the backwoods wrestling matches that go on, all over New Jersey and everywhere in the country. They’re going on and I saw a lot of these veterans there and that kind of triggered the idea of an older time guy, and…
是的,還有那巴頓芬克笑話……「阿諾夫斯基,你想幹麻?一部摔角電影?」你知道的。(哈) 有些人聽得懂。實際上,威尼斯那邊要導演的話,我就引用巴頓芬克。從來沒有人拍部像樣的電影,我感到疑惑。可能大家都覺得摔角是玩笑。很多人真的都不當回事,但我研究越深入,越發現摔角是如此複雜,俱備悲劇性格。他們的道德搖搖欲墜。這還沒有被好好研究令人好奇。摔角如此受歡迎。摔角是美國最受歡迎的娛樂形式,而沒人欲加以研究。我們很快發現,這電影若和世界摔角娛樂扯上關係,創作自由將不會存在。所以無法處理當代題材,我和史考特開始著手特定時期,例如發生在世界摔角娛樂前,這樣才能避免與之扯上關係。後來我們理解到這是部低預算電影,不可能搞古裝。我們開始觀賞摔角比賽,紐澤西,泛美。生命要繼續,見識許多老兵,多少觸發了老學校這點子,然後……
按:【巴頓芬克】飾演理想左派劇作家的約翰豆豆龍 (John Turturro) 到好萊塢發展,被指定為華理士勃利 (Wallace Beery) 編寫摔角電影劇本,結果他寫出一個人如何與內心搏鬥的故事。華理士勃利、佛德烈馬屈以【拳擊冠軍】【化身博士】共享一九三二年第五屆奧斯卡最佳男主角殊榮。
Well, it’s also interesting that your film is the first wrestling film not to have the promoter as the villain…
Or you know, the it’s like you don’t really have a villain…
I don’t think I’ve ever had a villain in any of my movies. If you really think about it, or at least a traditional villain. I haven’t made a film like that. I just wanted to tell a true story of a character going through this and what that lifestyle was like, the lifestyle as they call it.
I think you pretty much nailed it. Before, when I was younger I was really into wrestling and the behind the scenes aspects really interested in and I think you’ve nailed that aspect of it. This is also a departure from your last project, and it was made for considerably less.
The Fountain was thirty million dollars and this is six, so it’s a fifth - 20 percent of the budget. After I spent two years in post on all the visual effects on The Fountain, about a year and a half of post work, and a lot of it was technical work. I love that work, but for me the most exciting aspect of filmmaking is working with actors. I just was craving to work with actors so my mandate after that time spent in post was like, I just want to do a quick piece with actors. I just want to work with actors, I want to work with actors. So I looked at my list of projects and I saw The Wrestler thing and I just started to think about it. And that’s kind of when I ran into Robert Siegel, who wrote the final screenplay. Rob was originally one of the first writers of the Onion, and wrote this great script which made the rounds around Hollywood. Actually he just directed it by himself independently. It was such a great script. I met with him and I just started telling him about sort of things I was working on and I told him about the script that Scott had written about The Wrester, and how he didn’t nail it, and he said "Wrestling? I love wrestling!" And so then he started from scratch. And basically, about the same time is when the idea of Mickey came up, and I can’t remember how the idea of Mickey came up immediately, but as soon as I met with him it was just clear that this was the man for the job?
But when the project was first announced, well obviously Nicholas Cage was attached, what happened?
There was a window where it was very very hard. Basically no one wanted to make it with Mickey Rourke. We couldn’t get money to do it. Just because of how independent films get sold now is on foreign value, and Mickey just doesn’t have enough for what we needed. So there was a brief flirtation with Nic Cage because Nic really liked the script. Nic was a complete gentleman, and he understood that my heart was with Mickey and he stepped aside. I have so much respect for Nic Cage as an actor and I think it really could have worked with Nic but… you know, Nic was incredibly supportive of Mickey and he is old friends with Mickey and really wanted to help with this opportunity, so he pulled himself out of the race. Then an executive producer named Jennifer Roth came on. She is great at doing independent films and she was like, "What if that’s the amount of money you got, let’s just figure out a way to do it." So we just did it. So we did things which actually work with the style. Instead of getting a thousand extras we worked with these different wrestling promotions and actually put on live promotions and then stuck Mickey smack in the middle of it. It added to a whole new flavor to it and we got the authenticity that came with that as well.