看過 Wes 片的朋友必定難忘每個章節前的 illustration,那些和電影一樣可愛的 illustration 就是出自 Eric Chase Anderson 之手。Eric 在天才一族除了規劃 Tenenbaum 家族的房間設計圖,作為實際佈景架構,也參與小角色演出。
- Commentary by Wes Anderson and co-writer Noah Baumbach
- Mondo Monda, an Italian talk show featuring an interview with Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach, with host Antonio Monda
- Ten complete video performances of David Bowie songs in Portuguese by Brazilian recording artist and actor Seu Jorge (Pele' dos Santos)
- A fold-out insert featuring a cutaway of the Belafonte, with Eric Anderson’s original illustrations, and a conversation between Wes and Eric conducted in 2005
- Special slipcase/box packaging featuring Richard Avedon's cast photo, plus cover artwork by Eric Anderson
- The Art of the Movie: Young Richie’s murals and paintings, still photographs by set photographer James Hamilton, book and magazine covers, Studio 360 radio segment on painter Miguel Calderón, and storyboards
- Collectible insert including Eric Anderson’s drawings
- The Making of "Rushmore": An exclusive behind-the-scenes documentary by Eric Chase Anderson
- Max Fischer Players Present: Theatrical “adaptations” of Armageddon, Out of Sight and The Truman Show, staged especially for the 1999 MTV Movie Awards (see below!!!)
- The Charlie Rose Show, featuring Wes Anderson and Bill Murray
- Wes Anderson’s hand-drawn storyboards, plus a film-to-storyboard comparison
← 哥哥比較帥頭髮比較多,哈哈!
← Eric Chase Anderson Illustrations
Chuck Dugan Is AWOL
1999 MTV Movie Awards
The Max Fischer Players presents
The Truman Show, Armageddon and Out of Sight