

1. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; 
(味道等) 刺激的,辣的,苦的

2. acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant
3. caustic, biting, or sharply expressive: pungent remarks. 
4. mentally stimulating or appealing: pungent wit. 
5. Biology. piercing or sharp-pointed.  

1. hot, peppery, piquant (辛辣的), sharp. 3. sarcastic, mordant, cutting; acrimonious, bitter. 4. keen, sharp.

1. mild, bland. 3. soothing. 4. dull.

Miranda July 
Earnest, goofy video artist Christine (played by July) is trying to [nudge] a [foot] in the door at the local Center for Contemporary Art, but even once she penetrates the fortress, she can't get her work-sample tape into the hands of the standoffish director. 

(Is it ironic or only fitting that art-world superstar July finds her most piquant sample of enforced estrangement inside a gallery?) Meanwhile, frazzled shoe salesman Richard (a superb John Hawkes) is [splitting] with his wife and moving out of the house they share with their Internet-[glued] kids, Peter (Miles Thompson) and Robby (Brandon Ratcliff). 

The separation appears amicable enough, but bewildered Richard is badly unmoored, appearing at his sons' bedroom door like a vagrant, [wild]-eyed supplicant ("Do I look well to you guys?") and setting fire to his hand on the front lawn, as if trying to invent an ancient Ceremony of the Broken Home. 

1. a tract of open, peaty, wasteland, often overgrown with heath, common in high latitudes and altitudes where drainage is poor; heath. (石南) 荒原

–verb (used without object)
1. to secure (

ship, boat, dirigible, etc.) in a particular place, as by cables and anchors or by lines.

可駕駛的, 飛船

3.5 酸鹼值
pungent sexual obscenities 
vitriolic 硫酸
sulphur 硫磺

the subtle hatred between the two women slowly [escalates], nearly reaching a [stage] of vitriol at the end.

agreeably sharp or pungent in taste or flavor
a piquant [aspic].【詩】毒蛇, 調味肉汁
July finds her most [piquant] sample of enforced estrangement inside a gallery
1. sharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker, biting.
2. burning, corrosive.
3. having the property of fixing colors, as in dyeing.
and especially Ving Rhames add mordant [humor] to Cage's waking nightmare.
Radha Mitchell is rather [wan] as her chief love interest, 
but Patricia Clarkson is mordantly [funny] and surprisingly [affecting] as her German lover and drug-fiend pal.

It's Dante and Randal who strike back in "Clerks II," a softer, flabbier and considerably higher-budgeted follow-up to Kevin Smith's 1994 indie sensation that nevertheless 

packs enough riotous exchanges 
pungent sexual [obscenities]

to make its 97 minutes pass by with ease. Politically incorrect raspberries and the umpteenth appearance of [Jay] and [Silent Bob] aside, a gentle feeling of nostalgia pervade[s t]his hit-or-miss sequel, which relocates the gang to the ninth circle of fast-food restaurant hell. 

"Clerks" cultists will need no kicks in the groin to step up to the counter for this second go-round, courtesy of the Weinstein Co.

【俚】(經過無數次以後) 又一(次) 的,數不清的


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