他叫 Seu Jorge,海海人生不講話黑人就是無法無天帥奈德!其實應該是 2003 無法無天,因為羅素克洛早在1992年就演了一個無法無天,沒事就打打亞洲人的光頭族老大,也讓羅素克洛從家鄉紅到好萊塢。 Romper Stomper (1992) Cidade de Deus (2002) Top 250: #18!!!

回到今天的主題,帥奈德的無法無天,其實我對台灣片商的宣傳蠻有意見,貧民窟的暴亂的確是主題,但鮮明的人物設定才是讓我瘋狂推薦的原因:很會拍照的的阿炮 (Rocket);阿炮哥哥所屬的風塵三俠 (我不太確定中文是不是這樣翻);笑聲很機掰的小霸王 (Li'l Zé),人很好的 Benny (忘了中文翻什麼),最後就是馬子被打死,才發憤變流氓的帥奈德 (Knockout Ned)!

子彈打來打去我未必記得,但角色個個鮮明到現在還津津樂道,導演 Fernando Meirelles 以本片提名奧斯卡佳導,也得到了拍攝永遠的園丁的機會,雖然比不上前作的亂中有序,我坐前幾排看得頭都暈了,但最後一幕 Rachel 和 Ralph 相擁是浪漫極了,Rachel Weisz 的演出也讓我對 "神鬼傳奇比較有氣質的 Britney Spears" 有所改觀,至於晉身心目中的大美女,是去年威尼斯的事了。 The Fountain 明明很屌 2007 威尼斯影展片單出爐!




How do you pronouce his name?

SEU: SE is mostly like SA in 'say'. U is, as other people said, 'oo' (in 'too').
JORGE: ok, I'm gonna try to explain it through George. You know how you say 'ge'.. it sounds a lot like there's a d before it. Like, dge (more like dje). 

You could say that Jorge is the same, without the 'd' thing. Instead of saying "Djordje", you'd not pronounce those 'd's. Voilà, you got Jorge. And no, it's not like "Horhe" (Spanish). :) 

這個作者是巴西人,在一片道聽塗說下是比較有公信力的,但關於 Jorge 怎麼發音我還是看不太懂,發 dordje 的音又要把 d 拿掉是怎樣?



Seu Jorge, a 32-year-old Brazilian became knockout ned in the now cult movie "City of God", Jorge had extensive personal experience of the world depicted in the film. His childhood in the favelas of Rio left him with a formidable tenacity and a strong political and social commitment. He lived in the streets and learned to play guitar by himself, doing odd jobs to scrape a living. Then he was cast by a theatre company and, through acting, exorcised the ghosts of his past once and for all. more

"The other actors were ... curious. They wanted to know if the favelas [slums] are really like that. I said unfortunately they're much worse."

"The difference between Mané Galinha (帥奈德在劇中的本名) and myself was choice. He chose revenge. I chose to get out."

以下短片順序根據 The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions 的曲目排列,左上順時針。


Let's learn some Portuguese

Willem Dafoe & Bill Murray!!!




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