–noun Pathology.
inflammation of a tonsil or the tonsil(s).
Liv Tyler suffered from tonsillitis during the shooting of the film.
she reveals that after the wrap party she had an attack of [hypoglycemia] at the door of her hotel room,
But it's true that I took up to 24 [laxatives] daily, popped aspirin like M&M's, smoked three packs of cigarettes a day, had a problem with alcohol, took [Valium] and Seconal frequently and consumed large quantities of sweets, despite a medical condition, hypoglycemia, which made them hazardous.
rheumatoid arthritis
She's very bent over. She has rheumatoid arthritis. 風濕性關節炎
cf. rumination
My sciatica is killing me. 坐骨神經痛
Your lady companion is joining you, sir? Uh, no, she can't make it today, pal. The old sciatica's playing up and everything.
I know but i don't want you to go to the liver this time, i want you to heel, right up under her skinny ass, understand? Right in the sciatic nerve, just keep digging it in there, digging it in, and just keep sticking her, you hear that?
You have saved me from apoplexy. 中風
Foster, in particular, [burns] with an apoplexy we've never seen from him, [wiry] and intense as he neutralizes a dozen partygoers in his quest to find his brother.
I hope you weren't very rough with him. You see, he's subject to apoplexy.
I thought I might have arthritis. My joints are stiff. 關節炎
who recorded the rhythms of life itself, instead of some [arthritic] plot.
Oh, my corns are killing me. My arthritis in my fingers bothers me quite a bit...
At the same time, he's also managed to [bumble] into dimwitted Shia LaBeouf thrillers (Eagle Eye), [arthritic ]comedies (Mr Woodcock) and [aimless] dramas about the air traffic control industry (Pushing Tin).
This cello is one I used for 50 years, until arthritis got the better of me. Please pass it along to Mr. Ayers with my prayers
for his health and safety.
At the end, his hands were stinging with arthritis... but he felt happy for the first time in weeks.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
The guy was 30 years old, never sick a day in his life, and then suddenly, out of left field, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症
I've got osteoporosis. You want me to break in two? 骨質疏鬆
Just knuckle [down] for an hour or so and [finish] the work.
Angelina Jolie has said that she was attracted to the story of Christine’s refusal to knuckle [under] and of her martyrdom,
with a slow zoom into the fresh-charred heart of a greasy, [gristle]-flecked beef patty.
My [steak] was very gristly.
Nothing. Supposedly it's just a 24-hour bug. He gave me some pills. I told you you probably just ate some bad gristle.
while she recovers from [torn] ligaments in her leg.
Structurally, there are no abnormalities. This has to do with your musculature and your ligaments. This has to be the last time we talk about this.
mantle, Ornithology. the back, scapular, and inner wing plumage, esp. when of the same color and distinct from other plumage. 肩胛 (骨) 的,肩的
It's under the skin just shy of the scapula. They may find an implant. Just under the skin, left side. 肩胛
She's in there. Bed by the window. She has a concussion and a broken humerus, and, well, some internal bleeding. 肱骨,肱部
[Man] there's a loss of initiative, caution, many of the human cognitive functions. Apparently the result of decay in the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. 枕骨
Now, all I got to do is apply positive pressure to rip your carpals free from your metacarpals, and you will be unable to operate your weapon! 掌
carpal was your summer? I got divorced. My carpal tunnel came back. 腕骨
There's a huge, ugly [gouge] all the way up her shin, and she's bleeding profusely. (昆蟲的) 脛節
You know, there is a little town just south of the border. Pretty little pueblo. Down by the river. Folks would pay good money to hear a white woman sing. Yeah, imagine me shinning on down to Mexico with Ben Wade on my arm. I'm not wanted in Mexico, jump out that back windows with me now.
You have a compound fracture of the tibia in both legs. 脛骨,(昆蟲) 脛節
The fibula in the right leg is fractured, too. 腓骨
[Coughs] You wanna watch that, mate. I've got a dicky sacrum here. 薦骨
Only parts of the hand and the ancon were left entirely.【建】肱木【解】【廢】肘
This hand, this city network of tissues, nerves, muscles, ligaments, [arpals] (腕骨) and metacarpals, phalanges. 指骨,趾骨
I think she hit the femoral artery. 股骨的,大腿的
I called the hospital and talked to the head orthopaedic surgeon, and I told him who you were and what had happened. 整形外科
World War III... excisors of telepathic sensitivity... osteopaths of the spirit... investigators of infractions... denounced by bland, paranoid chess players. 整骨醫生
Would you kindly give Dr. Constatine your deepest butler's bow? Yes, there is an old contusion. 挫傷
Let's have some good words: catagmatic, sostenuto. One of the few advantages of a musical education, my dear. 折骨,促骨折癒合
I'm supposed to be convalescing.
Michael [convalesces] for a few months before returning to Hanna's apartment with a bouquet of flowers.
Miraculously, she still seems interested in Jim, though she continues to visit Tim after he wakes up and [convalesces] at home.
Rather than simply call 911, Nick performs an emergency [amputation] of her [legs] and lets her convalesce in his house.
And you can carry on with your studies while you convalesce.
I spent ages in hospital, too, with my leg. I had to have all these operations. Osteomyelitis turns your bones to chalk. 骨髓炎
but it also works in telepathy, [telekinesis], possession by a prehistoric Indian goddess,
Of course, the hyperkinetic Assayas style has almost nothing in common with Rohmer's understated understatement. 運動機能亢進
I'm monitoring the de-polarization of cardiac myocyte. 肌肉細胞
remove head from sphincter, then drive! 括約肌
Say I wanna do just my hip flexors or my buttocks even more. 屈肌
Is there, in the midst of all this muscle, no sinew that serves no appetite of Norfolk's, but is just Norfolk's? There is! 腱
Mum says playing too difficult things can damage your muscles. You can get tendonitis. 腱炎
I just wanted to tell you that, uh, Bobbie here is madly in love with you... and trembles at the sight of your rippling biceps.
Sometimes avoiding the [synapse]-raping bad habits of splat packers Eli Roth and Alexandre Aja is its own reward, 突觸 (兩個神經原的相接處)
You called me a scanner. What is that? Freak of nature... Born with a certain form of E.S.P., a derangement of the synapses which we call telepathy.
cf. paltry
Just moments ago I met you as a very old man, my dear professor. Your palsied hand dropped this box which I picked up, and by doing so, I believe I did us both a service.
She is a paraplegic [missionary], of Brazilian and Danish blood, 下身麻痺
unique sword which they believe to be in the possession of a young [paraplegic] college student named Dara Brighton.
Thornton (who is actually [paraplegic], due to a climbing accident) describes his character Dino Dwyer, aka DJ Delicious D, as a down and out paralyzed guy who eats via a soup line run by Father Joe (Ruffalo).
Well, I have a paraplegic injury, so I guess you could say my chair and I are pretty tight.
Listen, pal, I've got chronic systolic palpitations, and acute fucking neuralgia. 神經痛
。喉 Malady
。醫療器材 Retina
- Sep 05 Fri 2008 03:05
Tonsillitis (續:老人關節神經 耳喉眼牙足 醫療器材 單字大集合)