"And if you're wondering... yes, I can have sex."
"I just can't catch a cab."
伊薩克八歲的時候出了場車禍,父母雙亡,他下半身癱瘓 (paraplegic),但伊薩克長大後並沒有成為一個廢人,他現在是性感的紐約電台司令。某日伊薩克被指派報導某人賄賂醫生要求切除雙腿故事,因此捲入對下半身癱瘓懷抱病態迷戀之 cult 聚會團體漩渦之外。伊薩克在捲入漩渦過程中認識了費歐娜,電子郵件帳號為 ancient chinese girl 的美麗古董修復師,與仙女姐姐費歐娜相好後,伊薩克發現自己從輪椅上站起來,不是像【青樓怨婦】那樣光明聖潔喔!但這回卻換作費歐娜沮喪地反向奢求永遠坐在伊薩克的鞋子裡……
類比前拉丁天后珍妮佛羅培茲,與虔誠天主教徒吉姆卡維佐主演之【超感應頻率】(Angel Eyes, 2001) 前因後果,開始故事的人想以同樣方式結束故事;媲美大衛柯能堡性倒錯經典【超速性追緝】(Crash, 1996),處女編導 Carlos Brooks 以黑色電影包覆之異色歧戀帶出男女主角驚人共生互補化學,並探討為什麼有好手好腳的正常人希冀下半身癱瘓,以及他們如何視身體自由為一種形式上 paralysis。導演告訴演員必須將整個劇本放置在深睡到覺醒之框架,同時排除傳統夢境敘事剪接,好讓觀眾體驗一場直線前進的「真實」夢境。
當我們深刻感嘆【萬惡城市】的黃色渾蛋為何如此卑鄙下流,以及納悶為什麼要找個癟三飾演救世主約翰康納,請到連鎖影視出租店 (即使國外總部營運不善) 出租 日舞零壹六小福 之【意外邊緣】(In the Bedroom, 2011),好好欣賞 Nick Stahl 與永恆的瑪莉莎托梅對戲之精準演技。最後是本文重點:
以【孤兒怨】(Orphan, 2009)【天魔約書亞】(Joshua, 2007) 奠定「恐怖小孩之母」美名的 Vera Farmiga 再次展現媲美梅莉史翠普變色龍 (chameleon) 魔幻魅力,每次與 Nick Stahl 談情說愛時的顰笑騷首與恣意善變,都促使觀眾認識到原來 "wannabe amputee" 這怵目驚心概念也可以如此性感,並即刻衝向電影院二度膜拜鄧肯瓊斯好萊塢門票作品【啟動原始碼】劇中 Vera Farmiga 緊繫軍官制服小領結迷死人不償命的曼妙 ♥♥♥ (She confirmed my sexuality!!!)
Don't worry, I'll be your girlfriend.
My parents used to hitchhike upstate before they were married. He'd hide in the bushes and she'd thumb the rides.
Hello, Charlene Coke.
Oh, here comes the look... followed by the triple-axel-someday-I'll-be-a-better-person shrug.
Very nice. Not an easy maneuver to pull off.
People who get off on braces and wheelchairs are called devotees.They're a joke. They're the bottom rung.
Above them are the pretenders. They wear the braces, they push the wheels, but they don't belong to their chairs. Still, if they want to fantasize, that's their choice.
Then there are the wannabes. You saw how crazy they are.
驚見【惡魔的背脊】(El espinazo del diablo, 2001) by Guillermo del Toro
You know how you have apartment fantasies when you're a teenager? Mine was to get a place so I could shut the curtains all day and walk around in my Milwaukee brace. And you know what? It's better than I ever imagined.
So this is a sexual thing for you mainly.
I used to think if aliens landed and they saw all the able-bodied people, and then they saw the people on their wheelchairs, they would say that those must be the Kings and Queens, because they have special ramps and they never have to get up.
愛在黎明破曉前,輪椅上 Quid Pro Quo
81 min. 2008
Directed by
Writing credits
Carlos Brooks
Nick Stahl ... Isaac Knott
Rachel Black ... Janice Musslewhite
Jessica Hecht ... Edie
Jacob Pitts ... Hugh
Jamie McShane ... Man on Sidewalk
Pablo Schreiber ... Brooster
Jeane Fournier ... Charlene Coke
Carmela Marner ... A Female Wannabe
Phil LaMarr ... Wannabe Group Leader
Matthew Carey ... A Male Wannabe
Ben Siegler ... Man with Trachea Tube
Michal Sinnott ... Isaac's Mom
Joshua Leonard ... Isaac's Dad
Vera Farmiga ... Fiona
Produced by
Mark Cuban .... executive producer
是的,這位就是大名鼎鼎的小牛隊 (凱子) 老闆馬克庫班,而且你知道他還掛名【晚安,祝你好運】【萬惡夜總會】【紐約愛情故事】【末路浩劫】等優質電影的執行製作嗎?
附上筆者所鍾愛之當代英語系國家已成年女演員拾伍金釵 (依年份不排名) [粗體為增額補選]
Julianne MOORE December 3, 1960 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA
Marisa TOMEI December 4, 1964 in Brooklyn, New York, USA
Naomi WATTS September 28, 1968 in Shoreham, Kent, England, UK
Cate BLANCHETT May 14, 1969 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Rachel WEISZ March 7, 1970 in Westminster, London, England, UK
Jennifer CONNELLY December 12, 1970 in Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
Vera FARMIGA August 6, 1973 in Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
Chloë SEVIGNY November 18, 1974 in Darien, Connecticut, USA
Zooey DESCHANEL January 17, 1980 in Los Angeles, California, USA
Bryce DALLAS HOWARD March 2, 1981 in Los Angeles, California, USA
Rebecca HALL May 19, 1982 in London, England, UK
Brit MARLING, August 7, 1982 in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Emily BLUNT February 23, 1983 in Roehampton, London, England, UK
Greta GERWIG August 4, 1983 in Sacramento, California, USA
Jena MALONE November 21, 1984 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA (just 1 week ahead of me!!!)
Carey MULLIGAN May 28, 1985 in Westminster, London, England, UK
Elizabeth OLSEN, February 16, 1989 in Sherman Oaks, California, USA
Saoirse RONAN, April 12, 1994 in New York City, New York, USA
Chloë Grace MORETZ, February 10, 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA (the girl version of Michael Pitt)
guilty pleasure:
Anne HATHAWAY November 12, 1982 in Brooklyn, New York, USA
有個民間傳說是筷子拿得高就娶/嫁得遠,拿得低就娶/嫁得近,所以每次筆者吃飯都在哪裡拿捏 Ludivine Sagnier, Zooey Deschanel, Bryce Dallas Howard 等 starlet 的真愛零距離。
Aunt of Fynn (b. 2009) and Gytta (b.2010), via sister Vera Farmiga.
Higher Ground (2011)
Director: Vera Farmiga
Vera Farmiga ... Corinne
Taissa Farmiga ... Young Corinne
- Apr 23 Sat 2011 11:00
[日舞] Quid Pro Quo (2008) before sunrise, on wheelchair. [附上已成年拾伍金釵不排名]