You're one of those people.
Those people?
Yes, those people that think that Black History Month is in February, because it's the shortest month in the year.
It is.
Black History Month is in February, because Carter G. Woodson wanted Negro History Week to coincide with the births of Frederick Douglass and Lincoln, both in the same week in February.
Let's go to MoMA.
I don't want to go to MoMA.
What's wrong with MoMA?
No comment.
Okay, black man. So what do two black folks do on a Sunday afternoon?
Go to church, eat fried chicken.
What do two black folks not do on a Sunday afternoon?
Go to a museum.
That is not funny.
It is funny.
It's not funny.
It's funny 'cause it's not funny.
先來介紹一下 mumblecore 這東西好了,根據維基百科定義,mumblecore 浪潮發起自千禧年後,由 Mark & Jay Duplass 兄弟領軍,甜心是 Greta Gerwig,特色為低限預算、即興劇本、二十歲年輕人間的大量對話。以上描述是否令人想起九零年代 Richard Linklater 和 Kevin Smith (退化前),甚至獨立製片的先行者約翰卡薩維蒂呢?
而榮獲獨立精神獎最佳處女劇本、最佳攝影的提名 Medicine for Melancholy 正是部導演 Barry Jenkins 戲稱為 black mumblecore 之初試啼聲茵地小品,且我們可以選擇在 高雄電影節 觀賞。
女孩之所以能夠坐擁豪宅,係因交個在倫敦工作的美術館館長白人男朋友,水族箱裝置員男孩以吉他美技打動佳人芳心,展開在 James Laxton 近乎黑白優美攝影助興下的甜蜜一日。他們騎腳踏車,他們跳舞,他們逛展覽,他們旋轉木馬,他們談論些有的沒的五四三,或者嚴肅議題如種族認同、城市遷移、香草冰與鮑伊皇后優勝劣敗,
憂鬱的解藥 Medicine for Melancholy
90 min. 2007
Directed by
Writing credits
Barry Jenkins
Wyatt Cenac ... Micah
Tracey Heggins ... Jo'
Cinematography by
James Laxton
Music Department
Gates Bradley .... music consultant
Greg O'Bryant .... music supervisor
"I figured the walls needed a little artwork, like the lights and darks and the crosshatching and stuff."
"Very artistic."
A night they barely remember becomes a day they'll never forget.
- Feb 13 Sun 2011 12:08
Medicine for Melancholy (2008) A black mumblecore by Barry Jenkins