
然後,我們可愛又迷人的 Greta Gerwig 要去演十年沒拍電影的 Whit Stillman 的電影快瘋了我!片名憂傷少女角色為校園自殺防治中心志工。mumblecore it girl meets American Rohmer!!!

Greta Gerwig Joins Whit Stillman's Next Film
Metropolitan (1990)
The Last Days of Disco (1998)

"I have a weakness for actresses like Greta Gerwig. She looks reasonable and approachable. Some actresses are all edges and polish. This one, you could look up and see her walking dreamily through a bookstore, possibly with a Penguin Classic already in her hand."

-- Roger Ebert

"The mumblecore sexbomb of Hannah Takes the Stairs, Gerwig here appears unformed and ungainly, as well as naturalistically ambivalent—she's been successfully Baumbachized."

-- Village Voice

"Greta Gerwig has acted in mumblecore features, and she has the relaxation and the changeableness of an actress who has done improvisation on camera. Her speech is slightly slurpy, and she can look Raggedy Ann messy one moment, then radiantly beautiful the next." 

-- The New Yorker


以上即眾家媒體對 Noah Baumbach 賢伉儷入圍柏林金熊最新力作【綠堡尋找新方向】(愛上草食男這什麼鬼翻譯!!!) (Greenberg, 2010) 女主角 Greta Gerwig 的讚美佳句。

諾亞真是太恐怖哩!今年院線不可能出現比本片更優異的傑作了,就連班艾佛列克波士頓電影筆者也不期待能夠超越。Noah Baumbach 以【烏賊與鯨】重拾開麥拉後,大體上確立「婊人損己而不自知的機歪知識份子」之詼諧主題,而這回他妙筆生花了一個令人心碎角色來中和其尖酸與腐蝕,純真芬芳且天然無害的 Florence。

電影片頭任由 Florence 美麗的側臉佐以 James Murphy 曲目帶出字卡,Florence 大學畢業無所適從,歌姬事業閒暇撥冗擔任妙管家,主人舉家前往越南出遊時,除了照顧狗兒馬勒,還得應付當初隻手摧毀大學樂團同志簽唱片合約美夢,剛從精神病院出窩的木匠兄弟班史提勒,每天按奈住寄給航空公司、星巴克或紐約市長客訴信一封又一封 just as Saul Bellow's Moses Herzog does.

導演盡一切可能抹滅所有依照好萊塢浪漫喜劇公式浮出的愛情滑潤泡泡,例如兩人初次約會笨拙的性愛嚐試,Florence 坦誠自己穿戴阿罵胸罩 (I'm kind of wearing ungly bra);Florence 描繪往昔瘋狂軼事正興起,班史提勒突然盛怒質疑故事重點何在,憤然離席,Florence 第二天清早與友人踏青時卻為之辯護,聲稱自己喜歡這個可能全世界只有她才會喜歡的混帳傢伙;自以為很自然地播放老歌趁機向 Florence 說教,班史提勒各式各樣髮指行徑,相較傑克尼克遜在【愛在心裡口難開】經典討人厭 cranky 程度有過之而無不及。

劇中人際尷尬累積毫不遜色前作,每當班史提勒說出種種傷心話語,做出種種不貼心舉動,Florence 天使般的包容面孔成功提醒 (或者說服) 觀眾:Greenberg 這角色是值得欣賞與鍾愛的,只是你得有點心臟,就像小時候很流行的那種必須先忍受極端醋麻酸辣才能苦盡甘來的糖果。 

有人將 Florence 類比 Jennifer Jason Leigh 於【開放的美國學府】飾演之 Stacy Hamilton,年輕金髮妹,好萊塢標準檢視下稍微過重,經驗無差別性愛,與年長男人發生不甚愉悅肉體關係,事後墮胎,不痛不癢。但 Greta Gerwig (站在班史提勒旁) 高大身型,小男孩的中性靦腆,傻呼呼的怡然自得,更讓我想起 Clotilde Hesme 這個令人憐惜的小QQ!

原來素有 mumblecore 性感寶貝稱號的 Greta Gerwig 與 Joe Swanberg 合寫了 "Hannah Takes the Stairs" 劇本,更進一步在 "Nights and Weekends" 交出二分之一導演作品,難怪宣傳海報上 credit 前是創作才女。在被勞形案牘淹沒前,筆者將持續誓死捍衛《女神殿》這茵地 (indie) 的美國獨立製片養份滴。

Noah and The Whale: they shoot music, don't they?


讓我們再度欣賞 Greta Gerwig 這位奇女子的美貌。


愛上草食男 Greenberg
100 min. 2010

Directed by
Noah Baumbach  
Writing credits
Noah Baumbach (screenplay)
Jennifer Jason Leigh (story) 
Noah Baumbach (story) 

Greta Gerwig ...  Florence Marr
Koby Rouviere ...  Greenberg Boy
Sydney Rouviere ...  Greenberg Girl
Chris Messina ...  Phillip Greenberg
Susan Traylor ...  Carol Greenberg
Merritt Wever ...  Gina
Chris Coy ...  Guy at Gallery
Ben Stiller ...  Roger Greenberg
Rhys Ifans ...  Ivan Schrank 
Mark Duplass ...  Eric Beller
Jake Paltrow ...  Johno
Jennifer Jason Leigh ...  Beth
Dave Franco ...  Rich
Brie Larson ...  Sara
Juno Temple ...  Muriel
Sam ...  Mahler 

"There's A Rugged Road"
Written by Judee Sill
Performed by Greta Gerwig

"The Chauffeur"
Written by Simon Le Bon, John Taylor, Nick Rhodes, Roger Taylor and Andy Taylor
Performed by Duran Duran
Courtesy of EMI Records Ltd.
Under license from EMI Film & Television Music

Written and Performed by Serge Gainsbourg
Courtesy of Mercury France
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises


Answer: Greta Gerwig in Baghead (2008)



from IMDb

any ideas who she is?
because this lady looks so much like a young Chloë Sevigny!!! 


an even younger Chloë
好像高三 (猴猻的台語)

The Isley Brothers
Taken to the Next Phase
Aug 24, 2004

The Isley Brothers
Taken to the Next Phase [Bonus CD]
Aug 24, 2004
Sony Music Distribution i81959wbmxw


Original Caption: US director Kimberly Peirce (C) poses with actresses Chloe Sevigny (L) and Hilary Swank during the press conference for the presentation of her film "Boys Don't Cry" in Venice 02 September 1999. The film was presented out of competition at the 56th Venice Film Festival today.

男孩是不會哭的 Boys Don't Cry
116 min. 1999
Director: Kimberly Peirce

Hilary Swank ... Brandon Teena
Chloë Sevigny ... Lana Tisdel
Peter Sarsgaard ... John Lotter

"That Lady 'Part 1'"
Written by Ernie Isley, Marvin Isley, Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley, O'Kelly Isley and Chris Jasper
Performed by The Isley Brothers
Published by EMI April Music Inc. (ASCAP)
Courtesy of EMI Records under license from EMI-Capitol Music Special Markets

Big Love for Chloe: Part 2...







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