n. (名詞 noun)
1. 男中音
2. 上低音部
3. 上低音樂器
a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 男中音的
Ben E. King
From the groundbreaking orchestrated productions of the Drifters to his own solo hits, Ben E. King was the [definition] of R&B elegance.
King's plaintive baritone had all the passion of gospel, but the settings in which it was displayed were [tailored] more for his honey smooth phrasing and crisp enunciation, proving for perhaps the first time that R&B could be sophisticated and accessible to straight pop audiences.
expressing sorrow
melancholy; mournful: a plaintive [melody].
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Hawkins' life story is almost as bizarre as his onstage shtick. Originally inspired by the booming baritone of Paul Robeson, Hawkins was unable to break through as an opera singer. His boxing prowess was every bit as lethal as his vocal cords; many of his most hilarious tales revolve around Jay beating the hell out of a musical rival!
1. exceptional valor, bravery, or ability, esp.
combat or battle.
2. exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength: his prowess as a [public] speaker.
3. a valiant or daring deed.