Re: Streep naming Blanchett

"She's very subtle, yet boiling away inside. And I admire the fact that she's very private. You need to have that mystery." 


"She's my idol since Elizabeth. She has the aura of the ladies from the 1940s. Strong and fragile at the same time. When I see her perform, I get complexed."


( 法國妹講話就是比較有頭腦,可以扯個40年代。Eva 根本就是在說好德國人,該死的索德柏。)

Cate Forums » General » What others said...

Of the older leading French actresses, Eva loves Jeanne Moreau. "She's very ambiguous."

Juliette Binoche, Helena Bonham Carter, Marion Cotillard and Julianne Moore are some of her favorite actresses too. 

She also likes Isabelle Huppert for her strength and Samantha Morton because "she expresses everything with her big eyes."

Edward Norton is her favorite actor.

珍妮摩露在法國人 ( 尤其女人 ) 心中的地位真是非常崇高。

Eva 和我眼光很投緣,尤其是諾頓和阿姐這兩位我最敬愛的當代男女演員,他們都很低調,不鬧緋聞,他們是 real actor。



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