大家好,每個晚上不定期發作的花痴園地又來了,今天的主角是神祕肌膚 Joseph Gordon-Levitt。
本來也不太想特別屌這傢伙的,小希斯萊傑,演 gay 片成名,名字又囉哩吧唆。目前同志題材過於氾濫,我愛春光乍洩是衝著家衛和朝偉的組合,而且該片一點也不 gay,正巧男女主角只能肛交
重點來了,他說他覺得法國妞說話很性感,最喜歡安娜卡麗娜,女人就是女人,碧姬芭杜,阿爾發城……會最喜歡 Anna 的傢伙一定是個好傢伙,進一步了解是必要的,以下來自 IMDb 八卦區:
老媽叫 Jane Gordon,老爸叫 Dennis Levitt。
外公是導演 Michael Gordon,最有名的作品是洛赫遜和桃樂絲黛 (Que Sera, Sera) 主演的枕邊細語,可惜生涯因為被抹紅而殘缺。老人痴影症:枕邊細語 / 夜半無人私語時。Red Scare
喜歡的演員:Gena Rowlands (美國獨立製片教父約翰卡薩維提夫人兼御用女主角) & Warren Oates (窮山惡水爸爸)。Coquettish Beauty
喜歡的電影:小飛象 Dumbo (1941) & Orson 的紀錄片 F for Fake (1974)
"The whole concept of celebrity pisses me off. While I'm not a celebrity, it's such a weird concept that society has cooked up for us. Astronauts and teachers are much more amazing than actors."
"To me, a sex scene in a movie generally means a gratuitous scene that doesn't serve the story but gives a kind of excuse; we've got these two actors, we want to see them naked, so let's bring in the music and the soft light."
"Actors didn't use to be celebrities. A hundred years ago, they put the theaters next to the brothels. Actors were poor. Celebrities used to be kings and queens. Then the United States abolished monarchy, and now there's this coming together of show business and celebrity. I don't think it's healthy. I don't want to sound self-important, but all these celebrity shows and magazines - it comes from us, from Hollywood, from our country. We're the ones creating it. And I think it works in close step with a lot of other bad things that are happening in the world. It promotes greed, it promotes being selfish and it promotes this ladder, where you're a better person if you have more money. It's not at all about the work itself. Don't get me wrong. I love movies. But this myth of celebrity has nothing to do with movies."
At the heart of the movie, to me, is there's these two characters that can have one horrible, traumatic experience but react to it in opposite ways and it shows how different people see things differently. Well, today, there's a president in my country that doesn't understand that and he thinks that if you don't see it exactly his way, you're wrong and evil. And that's not the way the world works. There can be one event but everybody who sees it sees it a little different or sees it a lot different and that's what the movies about and that's what damn "Dubya" needs to understand. Or let him not understand it and go about his ways and go back to his ranch and never bother us again. (about Mysterious Skin)
(關於神祕肌膚) 對我來說,電影中兩個角色歷經同樣的苦難後,能否有不同的反應是很重要的,每個人看事情的角度是四面八方的。某布希不是很能夠理解這點,順我者生逆我者亡。某布希活在自己的世紀帝國裡。今天一件事情發生,可能你我有稍許不同的想法,或者是完全不同的想法,電影就是想探討這點,某小布希得多做點功課才行。如果他再搞不懂就算了,回老家當牛仔,不要再困擾我們了。Dubya
下次去錄影帶店,舊片記得租神秘肌膚,新片是好德國人和 Hot Fuzz。
IMDb > Joseph Gordon-Levitt > Biography
60年代歐洲女星 Anna Karina
Tragic Muses - Anna Karina

I also added some caps from that T Style: men's Fashion Fall 2007 interview I posted yesterday.