"She looks like a young Monica Vitti." or: How I learned to stop worrying and love Chloë Sevigny
此時乃受過嚴密軍事訓練的莒光園地,亦或一個男孩從棒棒糖變成 skinhead 的心路歷程。
"If you don't like Vincent Gallo, you just don't like cinema." -- Roger Ebert
所以裝模作樣的假文青都去死吧你們這些廢物!不喜歡高達的都是笨蛋!!!「你一定要對抗個人主義和資本主義。並且炸掉那棟全台北市最資本主義的大樓 from within。」(burn 101!!! kill bourgeois!!!)
"I always felt that acting was an escape, like having the secret key to every door and permission to go into any realm and soak it up. I enjoy that free pass."