1. a sermon, usually on a Biblical topic and usually of a nondoctrinal nature.
2. an admonitory or moralizing discourse.
3. an inspirational saying or cliché.
With a sun-spotted approach evoking equal parts Dogme 95 and Go Ask Alice, first-time director Jordan Melamed's languish[ing] 2001 Sundance-screened debut dutifully updates the plotless life-in-institution film to account for recent developments in rap-metal.
Manic's milieu is a lockdown, pill-policed juvie detention center housing a supervised and therapized jumble of violent and sexual offenders, traumatized abusees, and recent-onset schizophrenics. At times, especially when soft talk/big stick counselor Don Cheadle is pressed into [preacher] mode, the mood gets Sipowicz-style homiletic.
But often the script (co-written by Michael Bacall, who plays sardonic bipolar rich kid Chad) rings clear with mouths-of-babes declamations that all pained kids spew before down[ing] adulthood's suck-it-up Kool-Aid.
where they expostulate their [views] on life and reflect on the state of their relationships with one another
admonish & encourage!!!
a person or thing that expounds
an exponent of modern [theory] in the arts.
[Lincoln] is an exponent of American democracy.
As a strict [exponent] of unpleasure, however, Haneke will permit none of the narrative thrills the Coens provide in their funny games.
- Mar 05 Thu 2009 05:59
Homily & Homiletic