

–verb (used with object)

1. to speak vaingloriously of; boast of: to vaunt one's achievements.  

–verb (used without object)
2. to speak boastfully; brag.  

3. a boastful action or utterance. 

What is clear is that the actor vaunts something of an intellect

He was born in Boston in 1969, and grew up in Maryland. He attended Yale University, graduating in 1991 before moving to New York to act off-Broadway. 

In Primal Fear, he took the role of Aaron Stampler, an innocent young man accused of a brutal murder, for which he picked up a Golden Globe and Oscar nominations. The foundations of his career were thus secured. 

Off screen, he is generally known for his reluctance to embrace his celebrity status, and once said in an interview: "If I ever have to stop taking the subway, I'm gonna have a heart attack." 

More explicit but less "shocking" than Clark's 1995 debut feature "Kids," "Ken Park" was also written by Harmony Korine and was originally intended as Clark's first picture until "Kids" financing came along. Films are similar in their matter-of-fact look at teens doing things that older folk prefer not to think about them doing, and in their aesthetic attractiveness. "Kids" had the advantage, however, of a genuinely unnerving narrative hook, while "Ken Park," for all its vaunted sympathy for the kids it portrays, increasingly feels like a bunch of scenes included for the primary reason that their like hasn't been seen before.

The [coronation] of the new king was a splendid [pageant].
Junoesque Swedish leading lady Anita Ekberg got her start in the U.S., where she was elected "Miss Sweden" in the Miss Universe pageant. 
Like one recent DVD compilation of the peep show [pageants] Bettie made for special-interest photographer Irving Klaw,
The film's bear-baiting, barnyard [pageantry] is less convincing than its clammy locations. 
She does not at all sound like a scripted pageant [contestant] with a knife in her hand.
the dazzling panoply of the maharaja's [procession]
the full panoply of a Royal [funeral]
Dannelly and Urban drop hints here and there of the [panoply] of Christian youth culture around the edges of the school
It’s hard to [square] that snapshot with the [Brad Pitt] cavalcade of glitz that comes to town every year.
a salvo of [cheering]
The clashing release dates had [drawn] salvos between Sony and Fox at the confab attended by 800 exhibs

The movie certainly does not concern itself with political questions—the actual money and power lying behind the cultural anxiety and ritualistic [tinsel] of the [upper] bourgeoisie go unmentioned—but it is, after all, a movie about kids.
Give it a rest with the olden spiel, Charlie.

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