a square, triangular, or oblong piece of wool or other material worn, esp. by women, about the shoulders, or the head and shoulders, in place of a coat or hat outdoors, and indoors as protection against chill or dampness.
Heady stuff, but the movie merely toys with questions of identity and identification with the oppressor, substituting startling imagery for psychological analysis and character revelation.
It's arresting and horrifying to watch Mr. Gosling's Danny put on a prayer shawl and chant sections from a religious service as he [gives] a Nazi salute, combining two rituals into one.
But its meaning, apart from choreography, is unclear, if it exists at all.
[Nuns] march past in step, their wimples [bobbing] up and down in unison.
their Adam’s apples [bobbing] up and down in excitement
but the material remains [cloaked] by the very propriety, stiff manners and emotional [starchiness] the picture delineates in such copious detail.
[earth's] mantle
The mantle of [darkness] obscured the view.
and the "popular kids" have Oscars on their [mantles]
there must have been a shortage of [burnooses] in Europe while both pics were in production