attractive or stylish; flashy; fancy: a snazzy dresser.
What will transpire between Leo and Franz seems self-evident before they exchange a word.
The older man, decked out in a snazzy tweed blazer and a red silk ascot, has fairly unambiguous designs on his companion, who wears a black leather jacket, tight jeans and an air of rather studied innocence.
But the art of seduction, like the related arts of dramaturgy and filmmaking, is often a matter of taking a circuitous route to a foregone conclusion.
And so Leo reminisces about a woman he once loved, Franz natters [on] about his fiancee, and the two of them play a desultory game of ludo, a board game involving dice and little toy horses.
a necktie or scarf with broad ends, tied and arranged so that the ends are laid flat, one across the other, sometimes with a pin to secure them.
the craft or the techniques of dramatic composition.
a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek, where it meant "work" (dramaturgy): on this model, used in the formation of compound words (metallurgy).
[Nuns] march past in step, their wimples [bobbing] up and down in unison.
their Adam’s apples [bobbing] up and down in excitement
but the material remains [cloaked] by the very propriety, stiff manners and emotional [starchiness] the picture delineates in such copious detail.
[earth's] mantle
The mantle of [darkness] obscured the view.
and the "popular kids" have Oscars on their [mantles]
there must have been a shortage of [burnooses] in Europe while both pics were in production