

–verb (used without object) 
1. to trade by exchange 
commodities rather than by the use of money.  

–verb (used with object) 
2. to exchange in trade, as one commodity for another; trade. 
3. to bargain away unwisely 
dishonorably (usually fol. by away): bartering [away] his [pride] for [material] gain.  

4. the act or practice of bartering. 
5. items or an item for bartering: We arrived [with] new barter for the villagers.  

—Related forms

barterer, noun 

1, 2. traffic. See trade.

Trade, bargain, barter, sell refer to exchange or transfer of ownership for some kind of material consideration. 

Trade conveys the general idea, but often means to exchange articles of more or less even value: to trade with Argentina. 

Bargain suggests a somewhat extended period of coming to terms: to bargain about the price of a horse. 

Barter applies esp. to exchanging goods, wares, labor, etc., with no transfer of money for the transaction: to barter [wheat] for [machinery]. 

Sell implies transferring ownership, usually for a sum of money: to sell a car. 

Perhaps it all has something to do with the magic arts of the Jacobi family. Isak has two nephews, Aron, who helps in the business, and Ismael, who is "not well" and is kept in a locked room and can be heard singing at night. 

Brought back to Isak's vast house, which is stacked to the ceiling with treasures to [sell] or [barter], Alexander awakens in the [middle] of the night to urinate, [loses] his way back to his room, is [startled] by a conversation with God and discovers that 

God is actually a puppet being [manipulated] as a joke by Aron. Then he is taken to meet Ismael (played, without explanation, by a girl), and it appears that Ismael can "see" what happens in the bishop's house and can control events there so that the bishop dies horribly by fire.

Too uneventful for you? Not enough action? For me, Shyamalan's [approach] is more effective than smash-and-grab [plot]-mongering. 
Call it a Method-actor [approach] to probing the complexities of a culture too often defined by [fear]mongering and mass-media stereotypes.
the [crass] methods of political hucksters.  
bauble shoddy
and the other [baubles] of his Hollywood years.
Or is the acting merely earnest salesmanship of [shoddy] merchandise? 


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