
[kyoo-luh-ner-ee, kuhl-uh-]

pertaining to, or used in cooking or the kitchen.

/Film reader Eli G points out that in 2001 he was supposed to be working with Brad Pitt on SEARED. The movie was going to be based on Anthony Bourdains book [Kitchen] Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, which was later turned into an unsuccessful television series.


wherein Bond [concurs] as this is too scented for his [palate]【解】上顎
and suggests a Theotaki Aspro which is a white wine made in Corfu.
The Dark Knight [evokes] great American crime films like Heat and The French Connection - something which Japan may not find too [palatable].
The [main dish] was a delectable but hearty [salad].
Waitress is a [wee] romantic [charmer], a delectable Dixie screwball romp that never loses its [spry] sense of discovery.
She might be a more "serious" director than Twilight seems to suit but she’s [definitely] [charted] these [choppy] teen [waters] before. [Filter] Twilight through The Virgin Suicides or Lost in Translation and I’m sure many of you would find it at a lot more [palatable].
What this could be is a good but [minor] work from Payne, expelling some leftover ideas, and [cleansing] his palate for the future.

I got this great book on knots. 300 knots, and I'm gonna learn them all. And I still have to build that kiln. (用來燒或烘乾磚等的) 窯,爐
We did it right there in the big cauldron. 大汽鍋
The Honeymoon Suite comes equipped with a huge [porcelain] cauldron in the middle of the floor,
Polanski: a [cauldron] of mixed emotions.
And underneath I was a [boiling] cauldron of rage.
I don't believe I brought over a casserole. 砂鍋,【化】勺皿
Well, looks like we're hitting it offlike grease hits the skillet.【美】長柄平底煎鍋
Why'd you got that skillet for?
No, I'll get a sandwich, but|ask Ethel to leave me some soup in a saucepan in the kitchen. (長柄有蓋的) 平底深鍋
With an apron and a spatula. (調和、塗抹用) 抹刀,小鏟【醫】壓舌板
Off and in there. My wedding ring is in there. And you tried to ladle? 杓子
Did you get in through the scullery window? 洗物槽,炊具存放室
He's probably fucking the scullery [maid] anyway.
Brian, there's a deuce loose in the caboose and I'm not well-versed in that detail. 艙面廚房【美】貨車中車務員專用車
Hey, look at the caboose on that one. I could crack that open like a peach.
Of course I've got bicard. I've got a box in the pantry. We'll put your name on it, Max Fabian. 餐具室,食品儲藏室,冷菜廚房 

adj. (of food, especially vegetables) cut into thin strips or small, matchlike pieces
n. a clear soup garnished, before serving, with julienne vegetables 肉汁菜絲清湯
As screenwriter, Marling gives herself one climactic speech, but rather than risk asking his star to pull off a sustained performance, Cahill, in what scans as a lack of confidence in both his actress and his audience, juliennes [it] into a montage.

[Kitchen] Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
whose amply showcased intellectual, spiritual, and culinary [prowess] holds his entire household in a benign tyrannyof supreme competence.
a purveyor of [foods]
where journalists -- [ostensible] purveyors of truth -- have to [scramble] to ferret out the lies in their own offices. 
Back story: Explaining his "Frida" credit omission at a [press] junket for "Red Dragon" in 2002, Norton insisted: "I got shafted by the Writers Guild at the last minute, but I wrote the draft that got made." 凝乳食品,野餐,宴會
They're in a trattoria in this city.【義】飲食店
She took it to work to get  herself some tea in the canteen. (工廠、學校等的) 餐廳, 販賣部
How about your nosh? Food. Grub.【美】小吃,快餐【英】食物 
We got take-out from the rotisserie chicken place.【法】烤肉店,電氣烤肉器

Though item is a [meaty] morsel for symbolic seekers, its basic plot has David Bowie descend to Earth from another (drought-ridden) planet to secure water supply for the folks at home.
In fact, pic is perhaps too [rich] a morsel, too [cluttered] with themes, too demanding for the average [aislesitter] to assimilate all in one session, at least to full satisfaction.
a delicate morsel of food
While talking about his next film (a very [small] tidbit about that in a moment), Anderson says he is interested in adapting other books.
His reputation as a fairly outrageous homosexual comes into play here, when one particularly unpleasant and [effeminate] young man comes by seeking cinematic tidbits,
to garnish boiled potatoes with chopped [parsley].
and possibly dipped in floor dirt or [garnished] with an employee's loogie. 
tries to [garnish] what sympathy the audience is willing to give but can't quite muster it.
delightful, delicious
Ramifications of the plot, which enables Finney to indulge in some considerable sexual activity with a [variety] of delectable [dames], are too complicated to need discussion.
Denis [displays] a gift for capturing bits of [subdued], [incidental] beauty: The [sensuous] fabric of a dress, the delectable [icing] on a pastry, the kaleidoscopic play of lights at night.
Darcy [circles] the [outskirts] of her consciousness, still looking [luscious] but acting emotionally constipated.

Watch out for her treacle tart.【英】糖蜜
Conceptually, Another Earth is [superficially] similar to both the recent Fassbinder rediscovery World on a Wire and Lars Von Trier’s upcoming Melancholia—comparisons that don’t [flatter] Cahill and Marling’s mash-up of shoestring sci-fi and treacly redemption melodrama.
which has chosen to revive the most [cloying] of cult films, Philippe de Broca's 1967 King of Hearts. 
Though the film does include an [ample] amount of bloodletting, the action here nevertheless flows like frozen [molasses], a fact that may well leave many viewers with a hunger of their own.
a saccharine [song] of undying love. 
Characterized by naturalistic [banter] and an honest kid's-eye view, The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys is [sweet] but not [saccharine]. 
A Devil's Tale? Got that in stock? Ice, rum, vodka, lime juice, grenadine, and a dash of apricot brandy? Delicious. 絲毛合織薄布料,糖漿 (石榴汁製成)
I've got some wonderful demerara. Will 50 pounds be enough? 德麥拉拉蔗糖

sweetly or smoothly flowing, sweet-sounding
Although he had made cameo appearances in some of his films and provided his mellifluous [voice] as a narrator for others, in Le Testament d'Orphée, for the first and last time, Cocteau took over the leading role in one of his films, essentially playing an idealized version of himself.
The SETI connection also explains why the filmmakers [tapped] the astrophysicist Dr. Richard Berendzen (the author of “Pulp Physics”) to provide the mellifluous [voice-over] that [wends] through the movie, provocatively speculating on life beyond our planetary horizons, while Rhoda walks alone in a world in which she has become a near alien.





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