

1. any disorder 
disease of the body, esp. one that is chronic or deepseated. 

2. any undesirable or disordered condition: 

[social] maladies
a malady of the [spirit].  

1. illness, sickness, affliction, complaint, ailment, indisposition.

This isn't entirely Murphy's fault; the script appears to suffer [from] a malady typical [of] literary adaptations [in that] there are too many characters crammed into the two hour time-[span] for anyone besides the protagonist to possibly be fleshed-out. 

This is a fatal flaw
in a movie where literally everyone else is crazy and even Augusten's confidante Natalie (Evan Rachel Wood) shares strangely little screen-time after she reveals why she's messed up too. 

This problem couldn't be solved by even the most impressive portrayal by a lead actor, and Cross hardly [delivers] that. However, despite a sometimes blank and meandering performance, he does a respectable job. In fact, none of the actors do particularly bad work here--they're just stymied by the circumstances of the film. 

It's the sequela of the Morac War.
I came into the bungalow, and there you were frail and tired and very unhappy.
When Albarn and crew [risk] some honesty, 13 shines: on "Tender," Albarn is [battered] and frail, [urged] by a [lush] gospel choir to "get through it."
Veterinary Pathology. any of various diseases of cattle, as anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and Texas fever
Obsolete. a plague or pestilence.
Cold? Murrain? He doesn't catch cold, mother

I can't. I can't. I guessed you were a T12 or a T11 incomplete. What was it, a lumbar lesion?【醫】機能障礙,器官損害
At your age, you're gonna be having a lot of urges. You're gonna want to take off your clothes and touch each other. But if you do touch each other, you will get chlamydia. And die. 衣原體
If they don't get jammedunder the brooder and smother, or drown in the drinking fountain or get coccidiosis, or peck each other to death, we may be in the chicken business yet. 球蟲病

Frontal circuit 7.4, rear lobes neutral. 耳垂
a lobe of the [liver]【解】葉
I mean, what if I'm walking by a construction site and something falls, and then my frontal lobe gets chopped off and my personality's altered and then I'm not a good dad? What happens then? Well, be careful walking near construction sites.
[cymbal taps]
We'll have it once more. Listen for the crash of the cymbals.
mumps vaccine on the market. The government authorized yesterday what officials term the first clearly effective vaccine to prevent mumps. 耳下腺炎,腮腺炎
Tinnitus is the ringing in my ears, okay? 耳鳴
I have gone away from you. I have not harken to your voice.
It has style to burn, eye-catching acting by an international cast and a story that harkens [back] to many literary classic,
The score hearkens [back] to the style, feel and overall texture of noir films.【文】聽,傾聽
When we think the film is about to evolve into a thriller, it hearkens off in the direction of [cockeyed] romance. When we think the film is about to sprint toward a traditional romantic [crescendo], it evolves into a dark drama of [misaligned] [self-deceptions]. And so on and so forth.
"Grant us fair weather for battle. Graciously hearken to us, as soldiers who call upon Thee, that armed with Thy power we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression, and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice, among men and nations. Amen."

strep throat
do you have strep throat or some flu? 鏈球菌性喉炎
l was in bed with bronchitis for a week at Christmas.
I just have this preexisting medical condition. My ileocecal valve doesn't work as it should. And it allows corrosive juices, thet seems to rise up into my oesophagus. 食道
I got sick. I was working over there. And I got sicker than a dog one day. I got an infection in my esophagus.
throttle, the throat, gullet, or windpipe, as of a horse.
She had bruises on her arms and she showed me her neck. There were definite finger marks on her gullet.
Well, I'm hammered. I mean, I'm hiding it very well. I'm aware of that. But I'm pretty [soused]. Can you tell? Well, yeah. I mean, when you were at the bar. you were saying "diaphragm" instead od "diploma." Other than that, no. 橫隔膜
The majority of damage was centered on the upper-left thorax. A wooden object produced multiple costal fractures, and a rupture of her left diaphragm. You can see the extensive splintering.
One of the male Humpers has the [asthmatic] [squeal] of a nightmarish [hick] and it is heard [countless] times. A [cackle] to endorse would-be retiree hell-raising. [Repetition] is used in several scenes until the film’s [obnoxious] quality and appreciation of broken and stunted mental processes is [stashed] in an [attic] of [permanent] memory.

Putting back air! The trachea's fractured.【解】氣管【植】導管
Dr Marx cut an airway in her trachea so she could get [oxygen] - she and the baby.
You'll succumb to arthritis, angina, senile dementia. 咽喉痛,咽峽炎




。醫療器材 Retina



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