–noun, plural radii [-dee-ahy]
1. a straight line extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or surface: The radius of a circle is half the diameter. (直徑)
2. the length of such a line.
3. any radial or radiating part.
4. a circular area having an extent determined by the length of the radius from a given or specified central point: every house [within] a radius of 50 miles.
5. a field or range of operation or influence.
6. extent of possible operation, travel, etc., as under a single supply of fuel: the [flying] radius of an airplane.
7. Anatomy. the bone of the forearm on the thumb side. Compare ulna (def. 1).
8. Zoology. a corresponding bone in the forelimb of other vertebrates. (脊椎動物)
9. Machinery Now Rare. the throw of an eccentric wheel or cam.
10. a rounded corner or edge on a machined or cast piece of metal.
11. Entomology. (昆蟲學) one of the principal longitudinal veins in the anterior portion of the wing of an insect.
his people act [out] their moral comedies within such a [circumscribed] radius;
the greatest art isn't so finicky,
so tamped-down.
用黏土(或沙子等) 填塞(裝有炸藥的洞口)
搗實(泥土), 砸緊;敲緊
[at] the end of one's [tether]
This is [beyond] my tether
to play the role to the [hilt]
Kenzie goes [trawling] [for] the little girl through an underworld of
cf. droll trot
shackle[s] (手)
fetter[s] (腳)
Boredom puts [fetter][s] upon the [imagination].
Séverine, Deneuve's character, finds that marriage is not the beginning of [contentment], but a key which [unlocks] the doors of her abusive past to
allow her [imagination] to run [unfettered].
There are no stores [in] the vicinity of our house.