
–verb (used with object) 
1. to dry thoroughly; dry up.
2. to preserve (food) by removing moisture; dehydrate

–verb (used without object) 
3. to become thoroughly dried or dried up.

The emotional nuances in Eric Rohmer's movies 
are so carefully calibrated that

at times 
we seem to be watching
the [enactment] of a theorem.【數】定理;命題

What [rescues] his best films [from] desiccation 
the playfulness behind the theorizing
 -- he's a genial philosophe. It may be a little maddening, on occasion, 


cf. decimate
What [rescues] his best films [from] desiccation is the playfulness behind the theorizing 
Walking in the sun parched his [throat].
A staple of the Indian diet was parched [corn]. 
The obsessive central love story here is [repressed] on all levels, which serves to [parch] the film more than [intensify] it. 
Orson Welles used an exact duplicate of Cardinal Wolsey's official seal, as well as authentic [sheepskin] parchment and a quill pen.
All of this is done up with a lot of trumpet calls, several parchment [documents], a few parades, a little [papal] diplomacy,
subject to parching or burning heat
the torrid sands of the [Sahara]. 
whose persistent pursuit of sultry Kathleen Turner pays off in the way of a torrid [affair]
Harron is able to wisely draw a contrast between Bettie's [torrid] pre-modeling victimization and the easy-as-baby-food photo shoot experiences.
pulling kidneys amid torrent[s] of [blood]
Driven by fantastic energy and a [torrent] of vivid images of India old and new, 
arid tracts of [desert].
an arid treatment of an [exciting] topic. 
Godard and Bertolucci have already brought out the [aridity] that also [withers] his persona in "The Mother and the Whore," 
Yet the two may have more in common than Jamie would like to admit. As they travel through the arid beauty of the Atacama Desert, the resolution of their little conflict is impossible to predict.
pertaining to or marked by feverfeverish
Whether it was Michelangelo Antonioni's Blowup (1966), Joseph Losey's Accident (1967) or Roman Polanski's [febrile] psychodramas Repulsion (1965) and Cul-de-sac (1966), the best British-made films of the era invariably had a very dark core.
Got that radiator fixed up as quick as we could. It should last a good while. Keep her fervid. All right.

All of which would be merely entertaining or irritating... except for the instances of genuine, [revelatory] brilliance that suddenly sear the air like a camera flash."
Billy Wilder's [searing] portrait of an alcoholic [features] an Oscar-winning performance by Ray Milland as Don Birnam, a writer whose lust for booze [consumes] his career, his life, and his loves.
superficial or slight burning
change of color or injury to the texture
to scorch a [dress] while [ironing]
superficial or slight burning
that takes off ends or projections
to singe [hair] 
singe the [pinfeathers] from a [chicken]
Isaach De Bankolé in the lead are [hot] enough to singe so many art school pencil 'staches. 
to broil a [steak]
The fire charred the [paper].  
The flame charred the [steak].  
char[s], a char[woman]
with a slow zoom into the fresh-[charred] heart of a greasy, [gristle]-flecked beef [patty]. 
stumbling through a landscape of [incinerated] jeeps, charred [corpses], and oil wells blazing in the beyond-Coppola apocalyptic night. 
to haunting shots of the men examining the charred [remains] of Iraqi soldiers and burning oil wells lighting up the night sky that prompt Swoff to observe that "the Earth is bleeding, 
Few who take this dark journey are ever likely to forget it, but those who walk away believing that the only message here is hopelessness are encouraged to put their cynicism in check and reevaluate their response after the initial shock of it all has worn off. Perhaps then they can begin to see the forest instead of just the [charred], [barren] trees.
The deer. What an audacious introduction!  But somehow it works. Why? Because of the giant statue, and the self-incinerated cases.
"It was supposed to go traight to the incinerator, comma, but an orderly found the unmarked leg..." I'll let you catch up.
[mosquito] coil incense 香,焚香時的煙
as Anne is [tormented] by an aggressive Arab youth who, incens[ed] by her lack of reaction to his unprovoked [taunts], spits [in] her face. 
incens[ed], Amadou picks a fight with Jean, resulting in negative [re]percussions for the [triptych] of protagonists. 





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