


1. a small, slender, often sharp piece, 
as of wood or glass, 
split, broken, or cut off, usually lengthwise or with the grainsplinter. (分裂出來的小派別)

2. any small, narrow piece or portion: 

A sliver [of] sky was visible.  

3. a strand (縷,海濱,使擱淺) of loose, untwisted fibers produced in carding. (梳整棉毛纖維)

–verb (used with object) 
4. to split or cut off (a sliver) or to split or cut into slivers: to sliver a [log] into kindling. (引火物)
5. to form (textile fibers) into slivers.  

–verb (used without object) 
6. to split.  

Although only the [tip] of the iceberg is [revealed]

it's no surprise that her more temperate father, who is also the girl's confidant, is leaving the family for another woman. In a startling pre-wedding scene which 

offers a sliver of [perspective] 
these [clouded] relationships

Pialat seems to [assure] the family's [demise]

At the film's end, nothing about this girl is clearer than it was at the beginning, yet one has an abiding feeling that she's been [sentenced] to an emotional gulag.

(孤) 古拉格, 前蘇聯勞改營

Vicky, who's engaged to nice guy New Yorker Doug (Chris Messina) and is vaguely neurotic in longstanding Allen-female [fashion], says nay, but when Cristina, who's looking for adventure, says yeah, the trio flies off by private plane to picturesque Oviedo. 

In different ways, Juan Antonio insinuates [himself] into both women's lives in the coming days, 

admitting [in] 
passing his
abiding love for

his ex-wife Maria Elena (Cruz), who once stabbed him in a fury and now lives with a man in Madrid.

The Lightbox stands at the corner of King and John streets, on the same plot of land where helmer Ivan Reitman’s parents opened a car wash in the 1950s. The Reitman family held onto the parcel and donated it for the project, 

saving a sliver [of] it 
for a 46-story, movie-themed
condo tower

that will be adjacent to the Lightbox. (A penthouse named for Morgan Freeman is selling for $2.2 million.)


Delphine is one of those people who does not like to be alone, but who is particular about what sort of company she's in. When another friend invites her to join a beach party for the weekend, for example, she is keenly aware that she's the only one without a partner - the [fifth] wheel

So she flees back to Paris. Her family wants her to spend the holidays with them in Ireland, but she won't go. She borrows her ex-husband's condo in a ski area, but hates the crowds and doesn't even stay the night.

The document is encased in plastic, with the [laminating machine] he has also brought along.
lacerate ***
They're still driving around in the old crate they bought [20 years ago].  
a crate of [oranges]
dilapidated 快要倒塌 
The speaker kept veering [from] his [main topic].
The car veered [off] the [road]. 
a [cruel] person with a veneer of [kindliness].  

joust jostle jut jot jolt 
tad streak fig slew (large) cf. shrew shrewd
loll lull
mole moll mull


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