t76151tiggt t11841ub4pu Tristana_CzA1

1961 維莉迪安娜 Viridiana 坎城金棕櫚 
    Fernando Rey...  Don Jaime
1964 廚娘日記 (女僕日記) Diary of a Chambermaid  
    Jeanne Moreau ...  Céléstine
1970 泰麗絲丹娜小姐 Tristana 奧斯卡佳外提名
    Fernando Rey ...  Don Lope 

[電影] Viridiana (1961)

影評界的白居易 Roger Ebert (eebert) 指出:Iñárritu 處女作 愛情是狗娘 第二段裡,女模特兒腿被截肢後坐輪椅待在家劇情,乃向布紐爾 Tristana (1970) 致敬。

The subject matter came out of his own lifelong obsessions. His favorite subjects were [sadomasochism] and [anticlericalism] 
ever since his first movie with Salvador Dali, "Un Chien Andalou" (1928), 

and in the late flowering of his work in his 70s 
he became undoubtedly the dirtiest old man of genius the cinema has ever produced.

本片為布紐爾慶祝作家 Benito Pérez Galdós 冥誕五十週年。拍攝色老頭鐘擺與色老頭打牌丹妮妮二樓徘徊,據說 (reportedly) 出自布紐爾長期夢境。

Buñuel's Freudianism is so explicit as to be almost embarrassing, 
but you never laugh, 
because he takes it so seriously. 

That's why his films work; 
because they're himself, they're personal

Buñuel is in control of every shot and every scene, and he is having at our subconscious like a surgeon.

本片有點像是不喜歡荷蘭大道,卻喜歡 內陸帝國

即使坐擁眾家女星如莫妮卡維蒂、丹妮妮卡洛波桂黛芬賽麗格 抬轎,也不討我歡心的布紐爾,第二部丹妮妮合作竟是如此震撼!

倒數五分鐘前,正準備哭喊又是一部無聊的布紐爾,結局用了 "再簡單不過" 的剪接作為收尾,強而有力,恍如隔世;


   丹妮妮是二十世紀的 (白晝) 美人!(布紐爾這方面功力甚至超越賈克德米) ← 大師是也。


 ← based on the novel by Benito Pérez Galdós


泰麗絲丹娜小姐 Tristana
98 min. 1970 

Catherine Deneuve ...  Tristana
Fernando Rey ...  Don Lope



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