1. lying or believed to lie beneath the earth's surface; infernal:
the nether [region][s].
2. lower or under: his nether [lip].
The area between a person's (male and female) legs; the crotch (樹的)枝枒 (人的)胯部;褲襠, the groin【解】鼠蹊【建】穹窿, the area where reproduction and the removal of bodily wastes occurs.
Poor old Daniel. That infamous scene of him mincing (切碎,矯揉造作) out of the sea with nothing but a pair of tight shorts to cover his nether regions will no doubt be his personal nemesis for sometime to come.
The lad is determined to let his acting do the talking
【口】(表示親密的稱呼) 傢伙,伙伴,老弟
next time out for his 007 persona, as he’s requested no nudity scenes in Bond 22. Despite his understanding of the need for the trunks approach and a possible need to sell himself to the discerning (分辨) Bond lady fan, he’s never been comfortable with flashing his physique to the extent that was required of him in "Casino Royale"
Ahh, bless him, he’s gone all coy. Never mind Daniel, it’s all part and parcel of being Bond we say. Maybe he can cut a good deal with Speedo next time!
This is an extremely violent, gory, and surreal [meditation] on the life of a young lad during the time of the Spanish Civil War, as he attempts to find out what happened to his father, who has disappeared.
It turns out that his mother, devout in her loyalty to the Falange, has turned him in as a leftist.
Multiple scenes involve [castration]
and the consumption of [testicles], in one case by a victimized priest.
The grotesquery includes a fantasy scene of a city swamped in the boy's urine, the mother having a bowel movement over the head of his father, and a deeply Oedipal scene with the boy, a bull and his mother. Not for the faint of heart,
[ed-uh-puhl, ee-duh-]
this film [achieved] cult status in New York City shortly after its release.
limo bimbo
expiate penance Purgatory