
/該/ ser



1. a hot spring that intermittently sends up fountainlike jets of water and steam into the air. 
2. British Informal. a hot-water heater, as for a bath.  

–verb (used without object) 
3. to spew (嘔吐,噴出) forth as or like a geyser: 

the [kettle]
(水壺) geysering all over the [stove].  

The answer, of course, is that Kevin Smith can recapture all of this — or, at least, enough of it to make Clerks II an agreeable mischievous romp instead of a rip-off — because he never truly abandoned it in the first place. Clerks II, unlike Clerks, has been shot in color and given the semblance (外貌,外觀) of a plot — will Dante Hicks grow up into a responsible citizen? — but really, the movie, like Clerks, is a low-budget excuse for talk: 

dirty talk, dorky talk, obsessive pop-culture talk (which is better, The Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?), great gushing geysers of talk, much of it prickly and obscene and hilarious and, in that Kevin Smith way, so smart about being stupid that the characters' verbosity (冗長;贅言) becomes, in every sense, their saving grace. (可取之處)

see kilter dork

sporadic ... intermittent is necessary but not sufficient to be sporadic

garrulous 長舌單字大集合

spout pout sprout
gush harangue  

blather prattle prate

garrulous geyser


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