

1. admitting or capable of some specified treatment

of a [high polish]; 
susceptible to [various interpretations].

2. accessible or especially liable or subject to some influence, mood, agency, etc.: 

to [colds]; 
susceptible to [flattery].  

3. capable of being affected emotionally; impressionable.  


susceptible (adj.) 
Susceptible [of]
and susceptible [to] mean "capable of," as in something susceptible [of] [to] [proof]. 

Susceptible [to] can also mean "unable to resist" or "having low resistance to," as in She’s very susceptible [to] [colds]. 

Note, however, that without specifying a stimulus, to speak of someone as being susceptible can be a rather tired bit of suggestive whimsy, as in 

He’s at a susceptible age
, meaning 
"He’s susceptible to the [charms] of every female who happens by.

That use is a cliché. See also SENSIBLE

sensible, sensitive, susceptible (adjs.)   
The common meanings of sensible today include "having good sense, showing common sense, being reasonable," and "being conscious of," although this last meaning is sometimes thought to be archaic

If you’re sensitive to something, it affects you more strongly or quickly than it might others. 

To be susceptible to something is to be unusually sensitive to it (I’m very susceptible to colds).

Typically, we want detective fiction to translate aberration (脫離常軌) into a solvable puzzle. Gone Baby Gone instead saves its bleakest ethical quandary for last. Faced with two wrenching (猛扭,猛擰) choices, Kenzie must weigh his own sense of right against what may be a greater good. 

Yet either way, justice will be shafted and lives ruined. The backbone of the detective's code—the restoration of order—has rarely seemed so hollow. The ending resonates cruelly in this time of war, 

as our national susceptibility [to] clear-cut good/bad [options]

keeps us from frankly considering (or avoiding) likely choices of bad or worse. But that is the scorched earth the detective walks. "It is not a very fragrant world," Raymond Chandler wrote, "but it is the world you live in."

see surreptitious


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