

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    指責,非難;訓斥[(+for)]
                      She often rebuked him for carelessness.
          2.    使相形見絀;作為對...的鞭策
                      His devotion to his work rebukes me.
          3.    阻礙,制止

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    指責,非難;訓斥[U][C]
                      He dare not do it for fear of parental rebuke.
          2.    鞭策[S][(+to)]


–verb (used with object) 
1. to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.  

2. sharp, stern disapproval; reproof; reprimand.  

1. censure, upbraid, chide, admonish. See reproach

chide, abuse, reprimand, reprehend, condemn, criticize. Reproach, rebuke, scold, reprove imply calling one to account for something done or said. 

Reproach is censure (often about personal matters, obligations, and the like) given with an attitude of faultfinding and some intention of shaming: to reproach one for neglect.

Rebuke suggests sharp or stern reproof given usually formally or officially and approaching reprimand in severity: He rebuked him strongly for laxness in his accounts. 

Scold suggests that censure is given at some length, harshly, and more or less abusively; it implies irritation, which may be with or without justification: to scold a boy for jaywalking. 

A word of related meaning, but suggesting a milder or more kindly censure, often intended to correct the fault in question, is reprove: to reprove one for inattention.

2. reproach, remonstration, censure.

see exhort apprehension

It is never explained why the two sisters haven't been speaking, but I understand why. They are such equals that neither one has ever been able to gain the upper hand. All of their lifestyle choices seem intended as rebukes to each other. They've spent a lifetime both trying to stand in the same place and push the other away. There's no great painful event in the past, just the mutual feeling that each is complete without a sister. Notice the scene when Pauline challenges Margot to climb a tree.

indict (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against
recrimination countercharge
refute to prove to be erroneous, rebut & confute ...I refute the accusation that
castigate to reprimand severely, punish ...castigating him as a "narcissistic" part of the human anatomy


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