

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

          1.    泥坑,泥潭
          2.    【喻】泥坑,絕境[(+of)]
                      get oneself into a slough of self-pity
          3.    道德上的墮落
          4.    沼澤;河灣

n. (名詞 noun)[C]

          1.    蛇蛻下的皮
          2.    丟棄的事物(如惡習、偏見、破舊衣服等)
          3.    【醫】壞死組織,腐肉;腐痂

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    (蛇等)蛻(皮);使脫落[(+off)]
          2.    丟棄[(+off)]
                      slough off old prejudices
          3.    (橋牌中)墊(牌);丟去

vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)

          1.    (蛇皮等)蛻落[(+off)]
          2.    (蛇等)蛻皮
          3.    (壞死組織等)結痂脫落[(+off)]


1. an area of soft, muddy ground; swamp or swamplike region.  

2. a hole full of mire, as in a road.  

3. Also, slew, slue. Northern U.S. and Canadian. a marshy (多沼澤的) or reedy (蘆葦) pool, pond, inlet, backwater, or the like.  

a whole [slew] of people

4. a condition of degradation, despair, or helplessness.  

1. the outer layer of the skin of a snake, which is cast off periodically.  

2. Pathology. a mass or layer of dead tissue separated from the surrounding or underlying tissue.  

3. anything that is shed or cast off. 
4. Cards. a discard.  

–verb (used without object)
5. to be or become shed or cast off, as 

the slough of a [snake]

6. to cast off a slough. 
7. Pathology. to separate from the sound flesh, as a slough. 
8. Cards. to discard a card or cards.  

–verb (used with object) 
9. to dispose or get rid of; cast (often fol. by off): 

to slough off a [bad habit].  

10. to shed as or like a slough. 
11. Cards. to discard (cards).  

—Verb phrase
12. slough over, to treat as slight or trivial

to slough over a friend's [mistake]

Also, sluff.

6. molt.

This is not the first time Norton has provoked controversy. The press surrounding his curriculum vitae paints a portrait of an ambitious 38-year-old control freak aiming to punch above his weight. The actor shot to mainstream recognition after 1998's American History X. While the actor won plaudits for his portrayal of a white supremacist, reports emerged of a slough of [arguments] between the star and the film's director, Tony Kaye.

curriculum vitae

see stalemate quandary slew

It gets worse, as Margot sloughs off her idealized [husband] (an atypically studly John Turturro), blabbermouths a secret sure to upend (倒置) Pauline's household, and voices at every opportunity how certain she is that Pauline is marrying beneath her. 

So why should we give a damn about a character this toxic? A solemn truth about family is that it's almost impossible to hate people we know this well. Margot, in Kidman's compellingly unlikable performance, is every relative whose motives and utterances we've picked apart on the drive home from some misbegotten holiday, blissfully unaware that she is doing the same to us. 



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