1. paroxysmal (陣發的) pain in the abdomen or bowels.
2. pertaining to or affecting the colon (結腸) or the bowels.
Young Josh is a compulsive piano-player, and his pounding at the keyboard sets the mood the way that "cool ghoul" John Zacherley did on the old TV show Chiller Theater. Josh's musical career peaks at a maliciously rendered private-school recital; his rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle" goes clamorously atonal before passing into performance art of an ominously visceral nature.
Josh, who has a disquieting habit of just appearing, develops some strange nocturnal patterns, staying up all night watching home videos of his colicky baby self. This, just as the newbie goes on a five-day crying jag. Mom, who is already expressing her milk because of nursing difficulties, does not react well.
see spasm prostate
gripe 腸絞痛, complain, grip
dyspepsia 消化不良;胃弱
queasy 易於反胃的