

1. a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people: the clamor of the [crowd] at the gates. 
a vehement (感情激烈的) expression of desire or dissatisfaction: 

see vehemence

the clamor of the [proponents] of the law.  

3. popular outcry: The senators could not ignore the clamor [against] higher taxation.  
4. any loud and continued noise: the clamor of traffic; the clamor of birds and animals in the zoo.  

–verb (used without object)
5. to make a clamor; raise an outcry.  
–verb (used with object) 
6. to drive, force, influence, etc., by clamoring: The newspapers clamored him out of office. 
7. to utter noisily: They clamored their demands at the meeting. 

Also, especially British, clamour.

1. shouting. 2. vociferation. (喧嚷;吼叫) 

4. See noise.

clatter, blare, uproar, tumult. Noise, clamor, din, hubbub, racket refer to unmusical or confused sounds. 

is the general word and is applied equally to soft or loud, confused or inharmonious sounds: [street] noises. 

and hubbub are alike in referring to loud noises resulting from shouting, cries, animated or excited tones, and the like; 
but in clamor the emphasis is on the meaning of the shouting
and in hubbub the emphasis is on the confused mingling of sounds: 
the clamor of an [angry crowd]; 
[His voice] could be heard [above] the hubbub

suggests a loud, resonant noise, painful if long continued: the din of a [boiler works]. 

suggests a loud, confused noise of the kind produced by clatter or percussion: He always makes a racket when he cleans up the [dishes].

Young Josh is a compulsive piano-player, and his pounding at the keyboard sets the mood the way that "cool ghoul" John Zacherley did on the old TV show Chiller Theater. Josh's musical career peaks at a maliciously rendered private-school recital; his rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle" goes clamorously atonal before passing into performance art of an ominously visceral nature. 

Josh, who has a disquieting habit of just appearing, develops some strange nocturnal patterns, staying up all night watching home videos of his colicky baby self. This, just as the newbie goes on a five-day crying jag. Mom, who is already expressing her milk because of nursing difficulties, does not react well. 

see fracas

strident strident [insects] [hinges], a strident tone in his [writings] 
screech the screech of [owls] [brakes], disagreeable, lack of dignity

abate to abate a tax 

auspicious it was an extremely auspicious beginning for the director. 

visceral colicky

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