

–verb (used with object) 
1. to reduce in amount, degree, intensity, etc.; lessen; diminish: to abate a [tax]; to abate one's [enthusiasm]
2. Law
a. to put an end to or suppress (a nuisance). 
b. to suspend or extinguish (an action). 
c. to annul (a writ). writ of summons = 傳票
3. to deduct or subtract: to abate part of the [cost]. 
4. to omit: to abate all [mention] of names. 
5. to remove, as in stone carving, or hammer down, as in metalwork, (a portion of a surface) in order to produce a figure or pattern in low relief.  

–verb (used without object) 
6. to diminish in intensity, violence, amount, etc.: The [storm] has abated. The [pain] in his shoulder finally abated
7. Law. to end; become null and void.  

1. decrease, weaken. 6. subside.

1, 6. increase, intensify.

Most people believe that she'll scramble her way back to acting prominence with the right role and movie and though her [fame] hasn't abated at all, few would argue that she's made the right film choices since winning the Oscar (Shallow Hal opened this year and that's just one example) or has even cared that much about her stardom since.

see implacable assuage

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