或許這電影會被指控 "情感過於豐富" (sentimental),朱諾小心翼翼處理的問題,在女侍情緣得到完全釋放。就算是出租片也要直接保送到零八十大。本片讓我重新思考兩個問題:小孩是自身最 性感 的部位;看著小孩長大是最多數人認為最 快樂 的事。Adrienne Shelly 萬歲!Keri Russell 萬歲!壓抑花痴言語,暫停無病呻吟,以下是純粹的筆記本。
Serious Moonlight
Andy Ostroy
Allmovie 影評
Shelley does a fabulous job of allowing the darkest impulses and fears of the characters to color, but never overwhelm them, and she keeps a tone so loving and friendly that the audience never fears for the characters, but simply wishes that they all find some comfort and happiness.
I'd do anything to meet a man, and Becky's husband is a senile fruitcake.
But, now, here you are married to this handsome guy. He's got good hair... and pregnant with a little girl. But neither of us will trade places with you for one second, would we becky? Except, just once in my life, I'd like to able to make a pie half as good as Jenna can make a pie.
Look at this, Jenna. As you can plainly see, my right boob is much higher than my left boob... I feel like something Picasso would've made
and Dawn here has a pasty, patsy skin. I'm stuck in a marrige to drooling Phil the INvalid, and Dawn eats TV dinner alone, but still we wouldn't be you.
I don't care if she's a pie genius. I wouldn't trade places with her.
I Hate My Husband Pie. You take bittersweet chocolate and don't sweeten it. Yuo make it into a pudding and drown it in caramel.
You were bitching about Mr. Johnson. Well, what were the exact worlds I said? I'm sorry for not being able to repeat your words verbatim.
Nathan Fillion 花了一分鐘才讓我愛上他,要不是周華健加 Martin Donovan,一秒鐘都嫌晚。
Maybe you could really like me and trust me too? Yeah, I just got hired.
Long story, making it short... this is still Dr. Mueller's practice. I'm the junoir doctor on staff. Just moved here from Connecticut two weeks ago. Dr. Mueller had a class, I was a student of hers
and is this story boring you?
Where do you live? Stanton Grove. Oh. It's nice over there. Yeah. Yeah, it's nice, if you like trees. Which, you know, who doesn't like trees?
Did you made that marshmallow pie that you brought me? Yes, I did. Marshmallow Mermaid Pie. I invented it when I was 9 years old, in my mermaid phase.
That was probably the best pie I've ever tasted in my life. That pie, it was.. That pie was Biblically good. That is how good it was.
You know, there's a pie diner right near where I grow up... and I used to go there every day after school. I had this mad crush on this waitress named Beatrice. She looked tragically good in that uniform.
And years later I was doing my residency, and she came in with an emergency ovarian cyst. I treated her. Wow. That must be something for you. Well, she was at least 50 years old by then. Life does funny kind of things sometimes.
Call me whenever you need me. I'm here for your questions and concerns.
There's nothing wrong with you. Light spotting is a perfectly normal symptom in early pregnancy. Were you concerned about miscarriage? Not really. Is that everything you have to say?
Well, what? Nothing. You can go now. I'll see you at the next appointment. Don't hesitate...
To call you if I have questions or concerns.
Why have me come here if spotting's a perfectly normal symptom in early pregnancy? I mean, I had to get up early, take a bus, walk five blocks... just to hear "spotting is a perfectly normal symptom in early pregnancy"?
I have no response to that.
And what time does this office normally open, doctor? Eight-thirty?
Nine o'clock.
Nine o'clock.? So you came in two hours early just to tell me "spotting is a perfectly normal symptom in early pregnancy"?
Well, it will seem that way, yes.
Goodbye, Dr. Pomatter.
Goodbye Jenna.
I think you're strange. I'm not sure I want you to be my doctor anymore. You make me uncomfortable. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. whatever it is i do, I will not do it anymore. You should not be uncomfortable. You're doing it again.
How? What did I...
I don't know, you know that nice-talky thing you do. You just... forget it.
小凱莉,Nathan Fillion 就是這種慾言又止的模樣讓我著迷呀!
Well, thank you for the tarts. They were unbelievably delicious. Delicious is not even a good enough word for what they are. They're, I mean... what you do with food is unearthy. It's sensual. Does anybody else appreciate--? You're welcome.
so... do we, I mean, what are we...?
Dr. pomatter, I'll call you if I have any questions or concerns.
Written by Richard Wagner (as Wagner)
Performed by The London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Appears courtesy of Extreme Production Music USA
Baby Don't You Cry