

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    臭鼬[C]
          2.    臭鼬毛皮[U]
          3.    【口】卑鄙的人;可惡的人[C]
                  That was a rotten thing to do, you skunk!

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    【俚】使慘敗;使得零分

1. a small North American mammal, Mephitis mephitis [muh-fahy-tis]  (惡臭), of the weasel family, having a black coat with a white, V-shaped stripe on the back, and ejecting a fetid (惡臭) odor when alarmed or attacked. 
2. any of several related or similar animals. Compare hog-nosed skunk, spotted skunk
3. Informal. a thoroughly contemptible person. 
4. U.S. Navy Slang. an unidentified ship or target.  

–verb (used with object) 
5. Slang. to defeat thoroughly in a game, esp. while keeping an opponent from scoring: [The team] skunked the favorites in the crucial [game].  

Waterfront Look, kid, I - how much you weigh, son? When you weighed one hundred and sixty-eight pounds you were beautiful. You coulda been another Billy Conn, and that skunk we got you for a manager, he brought you along too fast. 

see obnoxious weasel skulk


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