a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 有名無實的
2. (有)稱號的;(有)頭銜的
3. 標題的
n. (名詞 noun)
1. 只有名義(或頭銜)的人
1. existing or being such in title only; nominal; having the title but none of the associated duties, powers, etc.: the titular [head] of the company.
2. from whom or which a title or name is taken: His titular Saint is Michael.
3. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a title.
4. having a title, esp. of rank.
5. designating any of the Roman Catholic churches in Rome whose nominal incumbents (在職者) are cardinals (紅衣主教的).
6. a person who bears a title.
7. a person from whom or thing from which a title or name is taken.
8. Ecclesiastical. a person entitled to a benef/i/ce (聖俸) but not required to perform its duties.
Even Michael Cera, who's certainly played the shy kid in Superbad and on Arrested Development, tries something subtly new in Juno as Bleeker, the titular character's best friend and unlikely baby-daddy.
see ecclesiastes