n. (名詞 noun)
1. 女用緊身衣;女用短袖襯衣
艾蜜莉把黑色 camisole 忘在凱薩琳老公家
Marie, a boutique [owner] who apparently supports him
their Adam's apples [bobbing] up and down in excitement as they shoot Page in a black [negligee] in a suburban living room. 婦女長晨衣,寬大的女便服
The doorbell rang and Diane Redfern went to the door in your negligee. She opened the door. The room was dark. Waldo saw a girl standing there, and he assumed it was you.
I'd come in here with packages, and there she'd be, in her negligee.
Mr. Quick, those are all lovely, colorful suggestions, but I'm afraid if I started out to follow you, I would hear the starch in my petticoat begin to rustle, and I'd know I was out of character. 襯裙, (舊時的) 裙子
The source of the chemisette crime, lure those young man. 緊胸襯衣
You'll be able to wear cool clothes again, and lingerie. 女用貼身內衣褲,女睡衣
which exists largely in content-free visuals of beautiful women, [ripped] lingerie, luscious suites, sexual [jousting] and,
While Nick loves his wife, his head is turned by Tula (Kate Winslet), a sexy salesgirl at a lingerie shop, and soon they're having a passionate affair.
You need new girdles.【書】環形物,環繞物
he [defies] all potential accusations of pretentiousness by [girding] everything in a [giddy], [effervescent] playfulness that suggests a [twinkle] in one eye -- an old trickster delighting in [tugging] the story and characters first one way, then the other -- and keeping his finger squarely on the audience's emotional pulse and expectations the entire time. 束 (帶子), 束 (腰)
She was tied, [trussed], handcuffed, chained and restrained while wearing high heels, nylons, [garter] belts, [corsets] and pointy brassier. 吊襪帶 (大寫) (英國) 嘉德勳章,嘉德勳位
Charles is a bloody moron. I'll have his guts for garters.
Oh, come now. Mashers went out with whalebone corsets and hairnets. 束腹, 緊身褡 (中世紀流行的) 緊身外套
You can believe me when I tell you it laces you in tight as a corset.
The dress was made from fishing nets, the [bodice] had little seashells sewn on and on the train were hundreds of hand-sewn pumpkin seeds. 婦女服裝的上半部 (穿在上衣外、胸前紮帶的) 女用緊身馬甲
Are you wearing mascara? No. Yes.
in black lace and [stiletto] heels, she domesticated fetishism and [flouted] the postal [laws].
You little wretch! Look... here's that brooch you wanted. Now will you run away and be quiet? 女用胸針 (或領針)
Even her little heart is hidden. lt just doesn't match any brooch.
Not the wedding rings. It's just a head X-ray. Just remove the barrettes and the earrings. 條狀髮夾
Is it dangerous? In danger of getting your knickers ripped off later, big girl.【英】女用燈籠褲型的紮口短褲
Listen, it's all very well to moon after a [pash], but there comes a time when you have to grow up, and find a proper man, and get your knickers off!
Oh, you can't get much air through this nylon. Well, you ought to go around in a sarong, Alma, like they do in the South Seas. 紗籠, 圍裙
Tarantino, a longtime [Japanophile], is to appear as "Uncle Tara-chan," dressed in a black kimono—a new addition to the unconventional family in a country where the nuclear family remains very much the norm.
It was definitely her. But you said she had on a dress. That's strange. Ogin's always been known by her kimonos. And way off her turf. I'm sure. She had a [perm] and [stank] of perfume.
Pawn my kimonos. I don't need them.