n. (名詞 noun)[U]
1. 濃烈氣味;臭氣
the reek of dirty stockings
2. 蒸汽;水蒸汽;熱氣
3. 【方】【文】煙;濃煙
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
1. 散發出濃烈氣味;發臭[(+of)]
He reeks of whisky.
2. 帶有明顯的特質;充滿[(+of/with)]
The castle reeks of mystery.
3. 沾染(汗或血)[(+with)]
hands reeking with blood
4. 散發蒸汽;冒煙
n. (名詞 noun)
1. 庸俗作品
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
kitsch (n.), kitschy (adj.)
The noun, meaning“cheap, tawdry, tasteless things, pretentious, junky, but popular,”and the adjective, meaning“of shoddy, pretentious character or quality,”are both Standard; they apply particularly to furniture, architecture, and other designs that unjustifiably pretend to artistic merit.
In German and Yiddish, kitsch means“trash,”especially“gaudy trash.”American English probably borrowed the word from Yiddish rather than German. See YIDDISH WORDS IN AMERICAN ENGLISH.
allmusic ((( The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions > Review )))
While the very idea reeks of kitsch, the end product is surprisingly poignant
and agreeable. Even the Thin White Duke himself seems taken with the idea,
as he states in Aquatic's liner notes that
"Had Seu Jorge not recorded my songs acoustically in Portuguese I
would never had heard this new level of beauty which he has imbued
them with."