vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
1. 窺探;窺視[(+into/about)]
Stop prying about the house.
2. 刺探,打聽[(+into)]
She likes to pry into the private life of her friends.
n. (名詞 noun)
1. 窺探;打聽[U]
2. 愛打聽別人事情的人[C]
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. (用槓桿等)撬,撬起,撬動[O][O8]
He pried the box open with a screwdriver.
n. (名詞 noun)
1. 撬槓,槓桿[C]
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
prize, prise, pry (vv.)
There are two verbs spelled prize.
The first means“to value highly”; it poses no particular problems.
The second prize means“to pry (open or up),”as in She used the poker to prize open the locked file drawer.
Prise is this prize's British spelling.
To pry is“to use a tool called a pry as a lever in moving, opening, or raising something”: We pried open a window on the side of the house.
In this sense pry and prize (2) are synonyms, but they are not in the intransitive figurative sense of pry meaning“to intrude, to seek information rudely,”as in She was always prying into matters that were none of her concern.
see spry