

n. (名詞 noun)【美】【口】

          1.    警察
          2.    私家偵探

2.6 精明
2.65 尋找笨拙 

2.7 研究
idiot savant
whiz kid
Stephen Glass was a better actor than most, playing the role of a whiz kid with [bashful] narcissism. 

There's a thesaurus in the library. "Yeah" is under "Y."
Force of July: An idiosyncratic [polymath] turns delicate whimsy into a heartfelt story of us.
The inclusive title of [polymath] Miranda July's first feature film is [apt] for a multimedia artist who has often sought to forge virtual communities through her work.
Paul (Michael Sheen) is pendantic.
I don't think we can ignore Stiglitz. You say it as if it's totally self-evident. It's a little pedantic. Annoying for your classmates. Unlike you, they didn't have to prepare today's class.
a man in India esteemed for his wisdom or learning
We are very fortunate in having a pandit from Gorakhpur.
a learned person, expert, esp. in an authoritative manner
Krysta Now is a porn star who is [reinventing] herself as a television [pundit] offering her views on politics, contemporary culture, and teenage sex.
The Daily Beast has asked several influential Hollywood pundits (their words) for their take on early predictions in the Oscar race.
"Bonnie and Clyde," another 1967 film, in [punditry] about the decay of Hollywood values.
But in our current landfill of empty, conviction-free [punditry], a single middle finger is worth a thousand words.
Everywhere Rhoda goes, there’s a radio tuned to the same hip-hop station, whose DJ is prone to Earth 2–related exclamations, or a TV tuned to Earth 2 [punditry]. “Could we even recognize ourselves?” [ponders] a male voiceover, identified very late in the film as a theorist [spouting] educated guesses on Earth 2’s impact on the space-time [continuum]. “And would we really know ourselves?” This dorm-room stoner stuff [masquerading] as intellectual inquiry often soundtracks montages of Marling walking around, doing very little other than being beautiful.
a scientist or technical expert
Present adventure concerns the steps taken to retrieve a missing [boffin] and involves the agent being captured by the enemy and subjected to [acute] brainwashing.

A symposium in the "men are pigs" school of gender relations
controversial argument
elevates "Descent" beyond case study and into the realm of [bomb]-throwing polemic.
doesn't exactly contradict Linklater's [polemic] that we are what we eat, but it does complicate his beef. 
Although gentler and more even-handed than most [polemical] works of the time, 
The movie has played in Canada and Europe to widespread controversy, inspiring polemics both [pro] and [con].
though none of these factors are so foregrounded that polemics or even [politics] matter nearly as much as storytelling.
Lawrence's [rhapsodic] polemic on behalf of a new form of consciousness, which would allow man to fulfill his sexual nature,
With Hollywood less and less interested in smart adult [fare] and serious films that aren’t [polemics], Norton’s emphasis [on] creative control and integrity can appear at risk of splitting his mainstream profile in two. 
The grand provocateur of the French Nouvelle Vague celebrated his 80th birthday in December 2010, but his films of the 21st century have been as challenging and [purposefully] elusive as his polemics and video projects of the 1970s,
Criticisms of this as disgusting or depraved are [moot]
the critics' need to attack Cavani as historically [inaccurate] become moot
Which could easily be read as confirmation of all of the [above] rumor and informed speculation. Given the state that MGM is [in] right now, the question may be moot. 

a conference or discussion.
a long parley, especially one between primitive natives and European traders, explorers, colonial officials, etc.
profuse and idle talk; chatter
persuasive talk, flattery, cajolery
I just don't need all this... [Stammers] palaver.

except, that is, for a [cadre] of eggheads who [hail] the work as a visionary achievement. 
the names Lars von Trier and Carlos Reygadas [cavort] to mind—Haneke is pretty much a humorless [pedant]. 
Sundry is an adjective of somewhat [pedantic] or [archaic] flavor
Four Rooms has an overall down-the-rabbit-hole feel with the [pedantic] Tim Roth as the [buffooning] bellhop minstrel unifying the four stories.
With Deborah Kerr playing this woman in the [sugary] way she does so well, we are made to perceive a [pious] pedant in whose busy mouth butter wouldn't melt.
Director Billy Wilder makes clear that Don is intelligent and not without talent; he's also weak-[willed] and a [willing] slave to the bottle, and while he knows what drink is doing to him, he's unable to stop himself until a final collapse [grinds] him to a halt.
a student who spends much time studying and has little or no social life, grind
made a name for himself with wildly improbable and most [un]wonkish yarns about Young Republican [bacchanals] and teenage hackers. 
Having picked up a [tidy] packet as coproducer of the James Bond films and having found what appears to be a [booming] market for pictures about [daredevi]l sleuths ([vide] Jean-Paul Belmondo's as well as Sean Connery's),

a treatise on a particular subject, as a biographical study or study of the works of one artist 
Doubtless you know his monographs in "Medieval Byways".

delve [into] the background of a case
This movie is great sci-fi, delving [into] the dangers of obsession, the excitement of scientific breakthrough, and the nature of life itself.
Hou brilliantly employs all of these stylistic devices to delve [into] fundamental questions about personal and national identity.
The Talented Mr. Ripley became a [broad] critical [success] and [gleaned] several award nominations in the States
If there's one thing that can be [gleaned] from The Brown Bunny, it's that Vincent Gallo is a damn considerate turn-signaler. 
a callow young hustler (Tom Cruise) must gain the [confidence] of his autistic brother (Dustin Hoffman) in order to [pry] away from him an enormous inheritance.

body of knowledge, esp. of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature
the lore of [herbs]
but to an empty vessel that gets filled with fighting instincts and [Marine] lore. 
Terrence Malick's "The New World" strips away all the [fancy] and [lore] from the story of Pocahontas,
Hit the jump to hear more about this incredible story and why Damon and the Afflecks, so firmly rooted in Boston [lore], would make a movie about their arch rivals. 
Do you promise to let me cobble... Carve. carve in my spare time, and teach our daughter the lore of the great Mississippi? I do.
speak (a language, words, etc.) with superficial knowledge or understanding. 
dabble in
I see that you have smatterings of trade.

Miscreants may be freed only by a duly appointed menber from the constabulary.
I'm Constable Graham McGaham.
Edward Woodward's constable is surprised to discover that the island's [population] suspiciously denies the missing girl's very existence.
When Mr. Finney, in a [sodden] Saturday-night state, tries to keep the [bobbies] from [nabbing] a poor old bum who has [heaved] a rock, he is simply expressing resentment that life [should] be as it is,
Brendan's relationship with the SoCal high school's law-and-order dean wittily echoes the [shamus]-cop intercourse of scores of postwar thrillers.
a sort of gumshoe who [tracks] down volumes for wealthy clients. 
Brendan turns into a '30s-style [gumshoe] in "Brick," a crime film that transports the dialogue and attitude of classic detective fiction to a Southern California high school. 
You don't know where he is, do you? No, but we ought to get a word from our stoolies. (用來誘捕野鳥的) 囮鳥【俚】暗探
I think I'm gonna keep you down here in the city jail a while. I want you to go on cooperating with You mean go on being a stoolie?
It's a mix of beagle and Retriver.
Frisk them. Who has the key to the handcuffs? 

2.8 透露
although she was not at liberty to divulge their [identities].
a documentary that "[delves] into the impassioned feelings and opinions expressed by fans and foes of legendary screen icon George Lucas,
They [unfurled] the [flag and let it [flutter] in the wind.
Withdrawn, seemingly friendless, she moves back in with her mother, father and brother, who flutter around her with hopeful smiles.
1. escape as vapor
2. escape from concealment
3. occur
the suggestion of the political protests actually transpiring [as] the film [unspools].
It transpired [that] we were invited after all. 
The events that transpire [between] them feel inorganic, like hot-button stimuli intended to test the reactions of lab rats -- a fact Day-Lewis concedes when he calls it an "experiment."
that Trevor's [cackling], Lynchian arc-[welder] friend is imaginary, and much of what transpires has a [tepid] hallucinatory aura.



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