n. (名詞 noun)
1. 靜脈竇
2. 下陷或凹下去的地方
What does he do? Oh, he's a cardiologist.
cf. corollary
His days numbered by a coronary ailment, Jack hastens the Fall by paying his semi-girlfriend, Kathleen. 冠狀動脈,(不精確用法) 心臟的
Though it's no Knife in the Water, director Phillip Noyce's tense, [visceral] '80s thriller [injects] a much-needed claustrophobic [jolt] into
Fernando Meirelles' slickly crafted drama rarely achieves the [visceral] force, tragic scope and human resonance of Saramago's prose.
his powers of observation, his respect for the English language and a combination of intellectual curiosity and [visceral] engagement.
These scenes work on a sheer [visceral] level.
"It's really cool, dude, even though there aren't any evisceration[s]."
Michael encounters a Jewish woman in New York, who [e]viscerates him with her moral outrage.
Lyons-set story of a local TV weather girl who is simultaneously pursued by two very different men [eviscerates] the non-charm of the bourgeoisie.
the emotional [evisceration] of a person or persons to prove a "point" -- in vividly illustrating human evil.
Director Karyn Kusama opts to never show Jennifer actually [eviscerating] anybody, instead cutting to [silhouettes] or reaction shots. But on the other hand, there is a ridiculously hot lesbian kiss. So, all in all, it's a worthwhile [venture].
A [skewering] satire of the theatre world, All About Eve entertains while it [eviscerates]. The fact that All About Eve swept the 1950 Academy Awards speaks to all of these qualities, but a great deal of the film's historical and cinematic importance lies in its content.
In an [ingenious] piece of casting, noted Boston lawyer Joseph N. Welch, famed for his evisceration of Joseph McCarthy ("Have you no shame, senator?"), is cast as the judge.
He died February 12, 2000 following surgery to treat an aneurysm; Hawkins was 70. 動脈瘤
In a plea for help, Sluizer says that he was moved to complete Dark Blood after being diagnosed [with] an aneurysm a few years ago, and that he hopes the finished product will serve as “[his] tribute to River Phoenix.”
Fred, he's dead. Aortic aneurysm.
Cut the aorta, and you'll release a jet of blood that hits the ceiling.
Look, if you move too much, I could knick the [perineal] artery, and you could, like, bleed to death before anyone got here, okay?
Vascular dementia or multi-[infarct] usually follow one or more strokes.
It's like in your body. You have veins. capillaries. Capillary filled with blood.
Wannabe poet and [intravenous] heroin user Dan is freshly in love with Candy,a blond Botticelli angel with a [yen] for painting.
a localized area of tissue, as in the heart or kidney, that is dying or dead, having been deprived of its blood supply because of an obstruction by embolism or thrombosis. 梗塞
Well, it-it was an extreme, uh, "post-cardial" infarction.
but instead of testing her on "casuistry" and "arrhythmia," 心律不整
"Minor side effects: Dry mouth, palpitations, estlessness, unpleasant taste in mouth." 心悸
I'm in love with you... and the world seems less terrible because you exist. I feel like I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, and all that, the palpitations, and the nerves, and the pain, and the happiness, and the fear... I wanna... I wanna touch you all the time.
As the expert practices on a duplicate safe, he uses [earphones] and finally an [oscilloscope] to hear what the tumblers are doing,【電】示波器
The first trailer [whetted] the appetite, but the second (after the jump) has me kinda [ravenous]. One more is likely induce tachycardia. 心跳過速
Foxgloves. Yes, dear old digitalis. Digitalis. Sounds like a sneeze. 洋地黃 (強心劑)【植】指頂花
Listen, pal, I've got chronic systolic [palpitations], and acute fucking neuralgia. 心臟收縮的
She's getting on the heavy side. She thinks it's good for varicose veins. 靜脈曲張的
10 October 2009, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain [pulmonary] oedema) 水腫
Preventive medicine isn't anything to do with medicine at all. It's concerned with conditions... living conditions, hygiene and common sense. For instance, my speciality is pneumoconiosis. Oh, dear. Don't be alarmed. It's simpler than it sounds. 肺塵埃沈著病, 塵肺病
That's one specific form of the disease. It's called anthracosis. 碳末沈著症 (一種因吸煤塵而肺部變黑的疾病)
What are the others? Chalicosis... that comes from metal dust... steel works, you know. Yes, of course, steel works. And silicosis... that's stone dust... gold mines. 矽肺病
In 1997, Barbara was writing her biography when she was struck by a [sudden] pulmonary infection. 肺病
There were two fatalities: My mother died on impact, my father died of hemorrhaging from a torn pulmonary vein and massive internal injuries.
His social position [jaundiced] his view of things.
Resnais sticks to a logical progression of events in relating this jaundic[ed] tale of political activism.
Michael Redgrave as the rather [pompous], stuffy governor who, to Courtenay's jaundic[ed] eye,
Shot in an unforgettably jaundic[ed] twilight (the cinematographer, Luis Cuadrado, was reportedly going blind during the shoot, and killed himself in 1980),
and I'm gonna reach in your eye [sockets] and tear out your pancreas.
Twenty bucks says he's overdue. Yeah, I'm in. 20 bucks. Deadbeat? Almost. Pancreas. Two days. Oi! How's your pancreas holding up? I sent the money in this morning. You better hope you did. 胰臟
Creaks along like an anemic [snail]
She's had a plethora of telephone [calls] today.
he locks her in a closet where she can hear the children screaming in terror -- finally [snaps] Delia from stasis.
"ecchymosis" 瘀血
Tech credits are generally as [tight] as a tourniquet. 止血帶
What an I gonna do with tampons?
rupture, profuse discharge, abnormal flow 出血
Later the doctors said that Rolly had been [hemorrhaging] internally, and there was nothing anyone could have done.
And I'm up for a hemorrhoid [cream] ad next week.
I also found evidence of traumatic hemothorax and pulmonary contusions. Massive internal bleeding caused her to suffocate. 血胸,胸腔積血
I'm speaking to you tonight not only as a daytime soap star, bt as an STD survivor. The first time I got gonorrhea, I thought I was going to die. 淋病
Let's face it. I was fat. I was sick all the time. Kept comin' down with mono and hepatitis, and then I broke my collarbone, and I had to wear this weird cast where I kept my arm up like this all winter. I wasn't exactly the most popular kid. 單核白血球增多症
They feed her intravenously? No, Hank. What a big word for such a small boy. (Laughs) I'm a doctor. Oh. Well, he sounds like one. He can spell haemoglobin. He has a little trouble with words like dog and cat.【生化】血紅蛋白
Your first heart makes your blood circulate, right? But what about your lymphatic fluids?
That's Raglan. That's psychoplasmics, and it's called lymphosarcoma.And it's spreading. 淋巴肉瘤
My dad took me to a doctor who said I was suffering from lack of serotonin to the brain. They gave me pills and I zombied out for six months, and watched game shows. (血液中的) 血清素【化】5-羥色胺