
Actress Known for Genteel Grace and a Sexy Beach Kiss




最後,黛博拉寇兒的寇兒,就是 Steve Kerr 的 Kerr。

t23465e3ztm t09778vhpek t74098ox9y6

            t86467mp8sw t13971xgh5x t86497qdoda

Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger 合作的一堆作品裡頭,特別想看百戰雄獅和黑水仙,後者海報很像赫本的修女傳,導演是亂世忠魂辛尼曼。原來黛博拉寇兒也有演馬龍白蘭度的凱撒大帝,馬龍白蘭度不是凱撒,是馬克安東尼。cinemax 常出現海灘激吻,Monty 長好奇怪。國王與我的國王是光頭王 Yul Brynner。正方形加箭頭等於點圖看連結。

t01295xcojk ← 金玉盟  1590955603 ← 無罪的人

              t13633vdkxg ← 鴛鴦譜  t79361gp542 ← 巫山風雨夜

Deborah Jane Kerr-Trimmer

Nickname: The English Rose

only Peter O'Toole and Richard Burton

I am ashamed to say it but I even began to view her as a proxy jinx: Annette Bening keeps losing; Natalie Wood never won; Julianne Moore is forever a bridesmaid. All three of these lovely women -- three of my favorite actresses of all time -- have starred in Kerr's role in remakes of her films.

At 2:38 PM, monicavitti said...
I would like to know which films did the three actress star, Julianne especially!!!

At 3:57 PM, NATHANIEL R said...
oh yeah sorry

ANNETTE BENING did LOVE AFFAIR in Kerr's "Terry McKay" role
JULIANNE MOOORE did THE END OF THE AFFAIR in the "Sarah Miles" role
NATALIE WOOD did FROM HERE TO ETERNITY in the "Karen Holmes" role on television

t063691xjgg end_of_the_affair 



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