36.7% I have never watched the movie.
23.0% Henry Fonda as Juror #8, the voice for the under-represented
13.0% Lee J. Cobb as Juror #3,
the one whose stubborn exterior masks hidden demons
IMDb > Sidney Lumet > Awards
我投給 Lee J. Cobb,要揍亨利方達的火爆中年人。
除了另外一部代表作岸上風雲的公會老大,Johnny Friendly 這什麼智障名字?女主角伊娃瑪麗仙很正,北西北也是,Lee J. Cobb 在一九四八年和詹姆斯史都華演了個 Call Northside 777 (777北街奇跡),也是屬於海報成為看片動機的電影。
← 記得點擊看大圖,下排左三。
觀影隨筆:傳統的美國西部史觀 --《西部開拓史》
一九六二年 Lee J. Cobb 又和詹姆斯史都華演了個 How the West Was Won。該片陣容堅強,大概只有東方快車謀殺案牌子可以超越:詹姆斯史都,亨利方達,割來割去割屁股,約翰韋恩,割來割去割屁股,Debbie Reynolds (萬花嬉春女主角),George Peppard (第凡內早餐呆滯男主角),Karl Malden (見下行),旁白還動用到 Spencer Tracy。
Karl Malden,這傢伙是馬龍白蘭度演藝生涯早期的綠葉,慾望街車把費雯麗,佳配;岸上風雲當神父,提名佳配。
老人痴影症: 十二怒漢 (12 Angry Men)
最獲我注意的是 Lee J. Cobb (李柯伯),他飾演偏見最嚴重的三號陪審員,在片中不時歇斯底裡的叫囂,到最後崩潰地抱頭痛哭,其演技叫人難忘,他後來演出了好幾部大制作,比如 On the Waterfront (岸上/碼頭風雲) 那位工會老大,曾被提名奧斯卡最佳男配角。
George C. Scott 是巴頓將軍兼奇愛博士的鷹派將軍,兩者不可混淆,個人是認為兩者名字很像啦!彼得謝勒 x 彼得謝勒 x 彼得謝勒。
巴頓將軍也有 Karl Malden。巴頓將軍編劇是柯波拉,就好像奧利佛史東拍前進高棉前,先寫了疤面煞星的劇本,Patton 與 Platoon 兩者不可混淆!
Was the first actor ever to refuse an Academy Award (1970, for Patton (1970)). He was followed by Marlon Brando, who also turned down the award for The Godfather (1972). The reason he claimed for missing the ceremony where he won the Oscar was that he was busy watching a hockey game.
"I have nothing against Oscar. I know what he stands for and it's terrific. And I think when people used to hang around and pat each other on the back over a drink and dinner it was wonderful. But when it became an international hoopla, where careers lived and died on whether or not you did or didn't get an Oscar, then it got out of hand."
"The [Academy Awards] ceremonies are a two-hour meat parade, a public display with contrived suspense for economic reason."
"Actors are the world's oldest, underprivileged minority - looked upon as nothing but buffoons, one step above thieves and charlatans. These award ceremonies simply compound the image for me."
IMDb > Det. Lt. William F. Kinderman (Character)
Played two roles originated by actor Lee J. Cobb. Lt. Kinderman was played by Cobb in the original The Exorcist (1973). Scott later played Juror #3 in the remake of 12 Angry Men (1997) (TV), a role played by Cobb in the original film (12 Angry Men (1957)). He also received a Tony nomination for playing Cobb's signature role of Willy Loman in "Death of a Salesman" on Broadway.
Was succeeded in two of his roles by the late George C. Scott. Cobb died shortly after playing Lt. Kendrick in The Exorcist (1973). Scott took over the part in the third film. Cobb played Juror #3 in 12 Angry Men (1957) and Scott played that part in the remake.
Pelle erobreren (1987)
Toto le héros (1991)
大法師媽媽 Ellen Burstyn 是噩夢輓歌媽媽;老神父是柏格曼愛將 Max von Sydow,也是比利小英雄老人。比利小英雄 (Pelle the Conqueror) 是丹麥片,托托小英雄 (Toto the Hero) 是比利時片,兩者不可混淆!
He played Lt. William "Bill" Kinderman in The Exorcist III (1990). His ex-wife Colleen Dewhurst was the voice of Satan in the film. Son Campbell Scott played Ethan Thomas in The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005).
什麼?Campbell Scott 就是 George C. Scott 的兒子!
老人痴影症:桃色血案 (Anatomy of a Murder)
最後,George C. Scott 在一九五九年也和詹姆斯史都華演了個桃色血案,奧斯卡佳配提名。
George C. Scott as Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson
Lee J. Cobb (1911~1976)
George C. Scott (1927~1999)